Rim of the world

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Mila then woke up to screaming her parents arguing.

Mila's POV

I then woke up and got ready for the day while wincing from the pain in my stomach. I then looked in the mirror and pulled up my shirt to reveal a bad bruise.

 I then looked in the mirror and pulled up my shirt to reveal a bad bruise

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I then packed her stuff up and decided to just eat at the camp after packing and being on her phone for an hour I  got my skateboard.

I then packed her stuff up and decided to just eat at the camp after packing and being on her phone for an hour I  got my skateboard

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I quietly went down stairs and was headed for the door.
"Where do you think your going" my mom said

"Out" I said trying to leave but  my mom and dad came up to me stopping me

"No your not" my mom said

Then my drunk dad came and got my arm and put his cigarette on my skin burning it a d I felt so bad.

"YOU PATHETIC DIRTY LITTLE SLUT. YOU SHOULD GO FUCKING DIE ALREADY. BITCH" he said while making three cigar burns on my arm. He then let go and was about to say something but I just ran out the door and skated to camp even tho it was a little far.

Once I got there I saw a lot of kids I got my cabin number a d was headed towards it when some douche winked at me and smirked i just left to my cabin.
Turns out i share a cabin with this girl named ZhenZhen and we talked even though she talked a little bit.


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