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Gabriel's POV

I grab Mila's hand and run but were a little late and fall to the ground again.
We get up and see a spacecraft everyone runs to see and I was about to run when I see Mila holding her stomach again I was going to ask about it but she ran off to the spacecraft.

End of POV

Mila's POV

After getting up from the second hit my stomach hurt bad but I had to shake that pain away as much as I can. So I just ran to the weird spacecraft.

"Its a dragon capsule" Alex says

"How do you know all this stuff?" I ask

"There's a reason why my mom said me to camp."Alex responds

We all stand there and Gabriel goes over to touch it but before Alex can warn him he burns his hand and I wince that must hurt. I go up to Gabriel and examine his burned hand.

"Does anyone have any water" dariush says

"finally something good comes out of that big mouth." I say

Then ZhenZhen hands dariush some water but he drinks it.

We all give him a 'are you serious stare'

"What"he says

"Fuck off" I say and grab it from him then I gently grab Gabriel's hand and put water on it. I could feel him staring at me so I look up and see him staring at my other hand that's on my stomach and I quickly look away and put water on the capsule before he asked something cause he doesn't need to know.

"Wait your not seriously going to open that." Douche says

"There could be someone inside" Gabe says

"No, leave it be, All right we dont know what this shit is " he says then touches some goo thats on the ship

Then he started making a speech but before he could finish the door popped open and he flew.

"Thank god" I say

We then go more near it to see if anyone is in there.

"Hello is anybody in there."

"Hello" I say getting more closer

Then a hand jumped out and scared me I jumped back expecting the hard floor to hit but it didn't Gabe caught me.

"Careful " he whispered to me

Then I look back at the spacecraft and see a woman coming out looking like she is injured so we help her out.

"I thought space was supposed to make you weight less" dariush says

"We aren't in space sherlock" I say

"Where am i?" The woman ask

"Rim of the world adventure camp." Alex answers

"This is a camp" she says

"Yea I mean I was disappointed to but" dariush says and I hit him on the arm

"We got the coordinates all wrong, Pasadena, Dr. Fielding." She says

" im sorry but we aren't near Pasadena" I say

Then she starts yelling JPL

"Its part of nasa" Alex says

"Try not to move ok" Gabriel says

Then she gives a key thingy to Alex and says to give it to Dr. Fielding and run then we all turn around to see an alien looking thing.

"Your going to die if we leave you." I say

"W'ell all die if you dont!" She yells


Then Gabe grabs my hand and makes me run away from whatever that was. We end up going to the Cafeteria.
Then I see that Alex stopped so I look back and see hes just staring at the alien.

"Alex come on!" I yell from a little closer to the Cafeteria than him and I guess Gabe heard me cause he went back and grabbed Alex.

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