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Mila's POV

Turns out they're were no police in the police station so we went further into the city to find adults and the whole time I could feel Gabriel's eyes on me. I really like him back I just I don't know what to do.

We then saw saw army cars pass by so we got off our bikes and yelled at them but there was army men behind us.

"Hey, stay where you are do not move" he said

We all have our hands up while the army men come our way

"Kids, kids you should have evacuated  hours ago were at war

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"Kids, kids you should have evacuated hours ago were at war."

After talking to that guy and getting his attention he got the key and we all high-fived and were happy.

"We did it" I said getting on the bus everyone sat in the front and I sat next to Gabriel since it was the only open seat when I sat down I heard my name being called by a familiar voice.

"Ay, Mila come over here." He said I turned around and saw the guy that broke me CALEB with a smirk I wanted to punch it right off of him.
But I just chose to ignore him.

"Hey I'm talking to you"he said I still ignored him he then told the people behind me to move and he sat there.

"I know that ass anywhere" Caleb said with a smirk and got up to slap my thigh and sat back down.

Gabriel's POV

When me and Mila sat down I was going to talk to her but we all heard her name called from the back.
I looked at the guy and he had a smirk and then i looked at Mila and I could tell that they had a past but Mila was trying to ignore him and so was i.
Until he came over and said' I knew that ass anywhere' and slapped her thigh that's when I lost it I was feeling different emotions, feeling angry she shouldn't be treated like that and a little jealous I don't even know why but I wanted her and I was going to get her not him.

"Hey what the hell man go away" I slightly yelled at him while he still had a smirk on him

"Who the hell are you and I can do whatever I want to Mila"he said

But before I could punch him the bus crashed everyone was screaming and I was trying to help Alex and ZhenZhen help the bus driver but he told us to leave.

Mila's POV

When the bus crashed I saw my friends trying to help the bus driver while the other kids were trying to get out then Gabriel kicked the emergency door open and we were getting out once we were all out everyone started to run

When the bus crashed I saw my friends trying to help the bus driver while the other kids were trying to get out then Gabriel kicked the emergency door open and we were getting out once we were all out everyone started to run

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I was too until I was stopped by a tight grip on my wrist.

"Where do you think your going" Caleb said

I tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong

"Leave me the hell alone you psycho."
I yelled at him but he just slapped me super hard I was pretty sure it was red. But before anyone of us could say or do anything Gabriel punched him twice .

"Never get near her, touch her, look at her or anything you got that asshole" Gabe said and grabbed my hand and we ran off to were the others were.

"Who was that?"asked ZhenZhen

"Yea and why he slap you?"asked dariush

"Uhh that was my ex boyfriend and I kinda called him a psycho, but I'm fine no biggy." I said

"What! that is a big deal he slapped you and now your cheek is all red." Gabe said

"Its fine" I said and he just shook his head

"What do you think these things are after" ZhenZhen said trying to change the subject

"Food maybe its possible their planet went dry and they came to raid ours" Alex says

"What makes you think that." I said

"Most comman invasion" he said

"Maybe their here to find mates that would explain what dariush showed earlier" ZhenZhen said

"Hey wow no, no we aren't going to do all that okay that was strictly platonic, let's just head north huh to the dessert let's get as far- "Douche says but I stopped listening when Gabriel was quiet.

"Hey, hey are you okay what's wrong." I whispered to him while the others still had their conversation
He just shook his head and didn't say anything

"So I just hugged him and he hugged back and he buried his head in the krook of my neck when I let go I look at him and he had watery eyes

"Hey what's up with Chico?" Asked douche

"This is my street" he said and I put my hand on his shoulder in comfort

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