Saving the world

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Mila's POV

Alex eventually convinced the man to let us save the world so right now he was telling us what to do.

"Alright someone needs to go down into the basement and fire up the emergency generator. Start them in sequence exactly four seconds apart
Send your fastest strongest-"

"I'll do it" ZhenZhen said

ZhenZhen then left through the vent

"Ok what else do we need to do to get this shit started."

"You need to move the satellite dish on the roof and move the coordinates then activate it." Said the man

"Kay I'll go to the roof" Gabe said

"No Gabriel I'm going plus your hurt and hes the only one keeping you alive" Alex said

"What Alex your afraid of heights" dariush said

" I'm afraid if everything, it's my turn tell ZhenZhen I'm going to want my watch back and if I die tell her I love her, actually wait dont tell her I love her just say I really liked
her." Alex says and left

"Ok now a third person has to insert that red card in the other room upstairs." The man said

"I'm going" I say

"Mila!" Gabe called for me but I ignored and left

I went into the room with a flair gun that I stole from ZhenZhen backpack. Towards the stairs and went to the second floor doing what the man said

After I did that I came back and saw Gabriel, Dariush, and ZhenZhen in a corner trying to get away from the alien. So I threw a metal pole at it to get its attention, I didn't really know what to do because I know a flair gun won't kill it but I couldn't just watch them die like that.

"What are you doing, get away, you can't kill that thing with a flair gun" Gabriel said

"No but I know what can" said Alex from beside me I didn't even know he was there.

"Launch that then meet us outside" Alex said

We then ran down to a room with a big machine Alex turned it on then told me where to shoot the flair gun and we were both scared. Waiting for the alien to come I then shoot the flair then me and Alex were trying to cover out faces from the heat and I guess he was having  trouble with a memory so I hugged him in comfort. Neither of us moving.

Then I saw a whole lot of fire everywhere and felt something like pain and I heard Alex calling my name then it was Black.

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