Dual Halves

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"The coded stones are very powerful." The voice came from a hologram displayed in the center of the room. An alien with robotic parts surveyed the small group gathered in front of him. He was a hologram, so he couldn't interact with any of the four people gathered in front of him.

"Doc," Scar stepped forward, holding a small ball of light. "How many more of these stones are there, and what are they? And why is Xisuma unconscious?"

The alien, Doc, glanced at the crumpled figure on the ground, that is Xisuma. Only the slight rise and fall of his armored chest indicated that Xisuma was still alive. Sighing, Doc turned towards the group.

"There are six stones," Doc swung his hands, making a diagram of the stones appear. "The Void Stone, which Grian and Xisuma protect, power to change the void itself."

Gasps came from Mumbo and Iskall, who had never heard of these powers. Scar frowned at the statement and glanced back at Xisuma. Doc shook his head and continued.

"End Stone controls all the creatures of the end. Overworld stone controls all hostile and passive mobs here. Nether Stone controls the Wither, lava, and the Wither King. Aether Stone controls light, but no one has seen that stone in centuries. Finally, the Command Stone. It's said to be the most powerful stone that exists. The Master Coder guards that with his life. The stone can create and destroy, dimensions and life. It can manipulate time and control mobs."

Zedaph pushed his way into the hologram. "Sorry Doc," he apologized to the disgruntled hybrid. "You should know," Zedaph addressed the shocked group. "Aether stone is safe. I was given it when I left the dimension. And Tango has the Nether Stone."

Iskall looked at Mumbo uncomfortably. Mumbo got the look and cleared his throat. "I have the Overworld stone and I seem to remember that TFC has the End Stone."

Doc's mouth dropped open, wishing it weren't true. "Something must have gone wrong. Each stone goes to one person. Why is the Void stone given to two people?"

Grian stumbled back, hoping that he wasn't the cause of Xisuma being in a coma. "Will Xisuma ever wake up?"

Doc and Zedaph shared a look before Doc replied to Grian. "The Void Stone was apart of him. It's apart of you now too. So, no. Xisuma might never wake up."

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