On the Edge

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Recomended Song: Can't Go Back by AudioMachine and Hunted by Steve Jablonsky; Cities On Fire by AudioMachine

"No!" Mumbo vehemently denied. "You are NOT going to do that. There has to be another way!"

Tension was so thick in the room that it felt like someone could cut it with a butter knife. Iskall stood in one corner of the room, looking awkward as if he didn't belong. Doc was standing still, arms crossed, face unmoving. Grian shook his head at Mumbo, trying to get him to understand.

"I have to, only Xisuma will know what to do."

Doc's deep voice resonated through the room, drawing everyone's attention to him. "Sometimes we have to let go of things. It's not always easy."

Mumbo looked like he wanted to drag Grian away from everything that was going on, while Grian looked sadly at his closest friend. Doc was right, sacrifices had to be made. So, Grian turned and walked over to where they had moved Xisuma. On his way Mumbo whispered a barely distinguishable "no..."

There was a small hole in Xisuma's right glove where the stone would usually go. Leaning down, Grian summoned the purple stone and lay it down on his glove. Almost immediately, the stone sank through and disappeared into the pale skin of Xisuma's body.

The black mist fell out of both Grian and Xisuma's hands, running together in a thick cloud. It swirled together, getting thicker and thicker, expanding out into the entire room.

Mumbo held his arm over his eyes, trying to keep the dust out of his eyes. By the time it all cleared, Grian was slumped on the floor right next to Xisuma.

"Grian!" Mumbo yelped and ran over to him, Iskall following close behind. Right before his eyes, Grian faded away into thin air, leaving nothing behind, except for a single white feather.

Xisuma stirred, bolting up suddenly when he realized where he was. He turned towards Mumbo and Iskall, fear in his eyes.

"The Darkness," his voice rasped. "The darkness has come."


"UNLEASHED?!?!" A man with a flowing cape paced a room rapidly with a short man following. "What do you mean it's unleashed?"

"It's true," the small man pushed his glasses up his nose, the high voice seemingly fitting for his body size. "There have been reports that the poison has escaped from its hole."

The man with the cape had stopped pacing to look out his window, fear in the stiffness of his shoulders. Orange light flickered out from behind his body.

"They all will be unleashed and turned now." Turning back, the man revealed the glowing orange crystal. "We need to find the other crystals before its too late."

The small man nodded and grabbed a small device out of his pocket. "Of course Master Coder."

"Oh and one more thing Wels." The Coder summoned a ball of orange light and let it engulf Wels. "I think it's time you come out of undercover."

The light dimmed, revealing the short man wasn't short at all. Wels stood proudly, clad in armor and a glowing sword at his side. He was tall and intimidating, but kindness and determination shone in his eyes.

"I won't fail you Master."


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