Chapter Four

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Her sleep was over for the night, her fear of him not returning alerted her every nerve and she couldn't seem to close her eyes again. She brewed her tea and went to the beach. The morning was warm and the sun was emerging ever so slowly from the sea, like a ball of fire. She thought of him, probably already up, preparing for the day. She wished he was on his way home, but he was determined to fulfill their assignment. She was lost In thought when a shadow moved over her. She quickly jerked around to see a man was jogging her way. She had never seen  another person on the beach, so it startled her. He was smiling at her, and waved. " Good morning ma'am," he said. He spoke English, but she only knew a minimal amount of words, just enough to return his welcome. " Good morning," she said in English, she smiled but felt uneasy as she did. He stopped, pulled the earbuds from his ears and gestured to the sea and the rising run.               " Beautiful isn't it, I've never seen a better sunrise anywhere." He stated as he ran his fingers through his short blonde hair. It was blonde with streaks of golden running through it, quite usual, she thought. She figured from his gestures, and she did recognize a few of the words, he was referring to the view. She shook her head in agreement, looking out across the water. 

" Yes," was all she could manage, with a a smile. He made her nervous, why had he stopped and where did he come from. There wasn't another house around close, at least none she could see. Seeing her uneasiness, he thought to introduce himself. " Hello, I'm Rye," he said extending his hand to her, she stood, embarrassed as she stood there in her pajamas, " Hello, I'm Sanem." She replied in a very broken accent. They shook hands, " Oh, you don't speak English much," he asked. Then he shook his head, " No English?" He gestured. She smiled, holding up her fingers signing to him, she knew very little. " Ahh, so Spanish," he asked again. She was confused, at all the questions and didn't know that language either, so she shook her head no, again. " No, I Turkey," she said pointing to herself.  " Turkey, oh, your from Turkey. Got it." He exclaimed."Well that's a big problem, because I don't speak any Turkish." He laughed, so she laughed, not knowing anything he said. He just stood there, looking out across the water, not offering to move on down the beach and continue his jog. He glanced around, " Your house," he asked pointing to the cottage, " You live here." She shook her head with acknowledgement, " Yes, yes I do." As she backed up towards the house, trying to escape him, she waved, " Goodbye, see you." she said, retreating backwards all the way to the cottage. He watched her in amazement, he waved as she entered and shut the door. He raised his eyebrows, " Hmmm, Sanem," he said out loud, " How beautiful." I'm glad I decided to jog this way this morning." He remarked with pleasure. She peeked out the window as he slowly jogged on down the beach. That was odd, where had he come from, she thought. She didn't like not being able to understand the language, maybe he wouldn't come back by again, she hoped.

She managed to fix herself some breakfast, an omelet and some fruit, along with some hot tea, delicious and the house was still standing, she thought with amusement. After eating and cleaning the kitchen, she took her notebook and returned to the beach, her inspiration to write had soared since she had been there with him. The words poured out onto the pages, all the happiness that bloomed inside her made her pen fly across the paper. She sat there in solitude for a few hours, filling her notebook with their love. She realized the time had pasted by and not a word from Can, she looked for her phone, but it wasn't there. Had she left it in the house? She jogged back to the house to find it. Sure enough, it was on the table, with a list of missed calls from Can and one from Kai. Can had left a voicemail for every missed call, frantic as to where she was. She quickly returned his call, " Can, my love, I'm sorry I missed your calls." She said immediately, " I had left my phone in the house and I was down on the beach." She explained. His voice was laced with relief, glad to hear her voice, and relieved to know she was ok. " How's the shoot going" she asked, hoping he would tell her It was done and he was heading home. But that was not the case. " Well not so good," he said sadly. " It seems the storm had damaged some of the beaches and they were in the process of cleaning them up. So, it looked like it would be another day or two to capture all the resort areas they needed to. She was so disappointed she couldn't erase it from her voice, he was just a disappointed as she was. He asked how she had filled her day, she told him about the writing, and all the progress she had made in her new book. He felt so bad that he had left her like that, but it couldn't be avoided, he promised her he would hurry to finish the job and be back as soon as possible. They vowed their love for each other and said goodnight, with a dozen or so kisses sent through their phones.

She felt lonely again, a feeling that she never liked, but had been forced to feel a lot over the past  4 years. She needed him so badly that it hurt, as she strolled back out to the beach, loving the time she was able to spend there, it really calmed her fears. She told her mind to think of something else, it only made the time pass more slowly, so she thought of what she would order in tonight, maybe a nice pasta salad from the out door cafe down the road. As she ordered, she thought, " I really must learn how to cook," I can't order out for the rest of our lives and I'm embarrassed to have Can do all the cooking." She revealed to her mind. " That's something to do to pass the time, " she said excitedly, She might try to venture out tomorrow, just down to the market that was close by, she could pickup some ingredients to try a simple recipe, maybe a white creamy sauce for noodles. 

If it turned out good, she would surprise him with it when he returned, along with a few other surprises, she thought with a devilish smile on her face. Her order was delivered quickly, and she settles back to eat as she watched a couple of ships way in the distance, as they floated on their way to some romantic port on the coast. It made her miss him even more, her body ached for him to touch her. She sat engrossed in her thoughts when she heard, " Hello again, do you spend all your time out here?" She jumped and turned to see the same man there that she had met earlier. She didn't recognize all the words, but he was smiling at her, so it must have been funny, she thought. He quickly grabbed his phone and typed something on it, and handed it to her to read. " Hello again, do you spend all your time out here?" was written on his phone in Turkish. She looked up at in surprise, he laughed taking his phone back, he typed again and passed it back to her. She read, " it's google translate on your smartphone, do you have it." No she had never heard of it before, she thought as she shook her head, indicating she didn't. He motioned for her phone, she hesitated, but handed it to him. He quickly handed it back, with it reading,       " Sure you do it's right here," in Turkish. 

She smiled a big smile, and he smiled back, thinking, " Ok, now we're getting somewhere....

How ingenious, she thought, how did she not know about this before, this makes things a whole lot easier. She thought, looking at the smile spread across his face, as she said one of the few words she did know in English, " Thanks".........

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