Chapter Fourteen

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The rest of the day was busy, they made a trip into town to talk to Miguel, telling him they would be gone for a while and delivering the news about the photography business. There wasn't any other way but to shut it down. He told him they would return, but just wasn't sure when. Miguel promised to keep an eye on the house and the boat. Can made the offer for him to take over the business, but Miguel refused, saying he needed to learn a lot more before he could do it on his own, so he would wait for his return. They said their goodbyes, promising to keep in touch. They needed to close both the house and the boat, so they hurried back to the beach. Sanem was working on the house, while Can took the walk down to the pier where the boat was docked. He readied the boat for bad weather and shut everything down. He loved this boat, it had always kept him grounded. He sat back looking around, remembering all the memories, some bad, but some good. It had taken him away from her but it had also brought him back, it was full of her and the memory of their love. He didn't think he could ever part with it.

Sanem cleaned and rid the house of anything that might spoil or go bad while they were gone. She decided to make her dinner for him that night, since they only had two more nights there together. It had to be special, with candles and wine, outside on their blanket, the place that had brought them both so much happiness. Knowing Can would be back soon from the pier, she started dinner, trying to remember every little detail Rye had shown her. She guessed Rye was gone now, and she couldn't say she was sad about it. He had sent up a red flag in her head from day one. For once she listened to her inner voice telling her not to share to much information. He did help her cook, but that even made her uneasy, so she was glad he was gone. The smell from the kitchen was fabulous, as he walked back from the pier. The closer he got the better it smelled, maybe he had been to inconsiderate about her cooking skills. But from past experience, he had good reason. He passed through the door into the kitchen, the aroma had his mouth watering, " Sanem, it smells delicious, what is it." He asked trying not to sound shocked. She smiled that big smile, " We're having pan seared chicken breast with white cream sauce, and a salad with vinaigrette dressing, and of course a Chardonnay wine, she said with confidence, holding her head high. Can couldn't help but stare, " Wow, she finally had learned to cook a dish, and a delicious smelling one at that. He watched her as she finished the dish, his heart smiling at just how much he loved this woman....

She had changed into a long white, body hugging dress and wrapped her flamenco scarf around her, tying it loosely in front. Her hair was piled high on her head, with a red rose stuck neatly into the bun. His eyes had just seen an angel, he thought, as she handed him a glass of wine. He was speechless, and so turned on at that moment, had could barely hold the wine glass. After a few marvelous minutes of looking at her, he finally found the words, " Sanem, never have I seen anyone as breathtakingly beautiful as you," he sputtered. She tried her best seductive smile, and bowed, thanking him for the compliment. He was still dumbfounded at the whole turn of events, he wasn't sure what he was suppose to do next, eat the food, or devour her. They carried the food out to the blanket, where she had flowers and candles burning. He felt like he needed to go change himself, he seems to be totally underdressed for the occasion. She insisted he was fine just the way he was, and waited anxiously for him to try the food. The first bite was taken with caution and a smile, but to his surprise the chicken was beyond delicious. She watched him happily, as he eagerly ate every bite, completely satisfied by the end of the meal. To say she was proud just wasn't enough, she was beaming. She had finally presented him with a meal worthy of eating, she was feeling like a woman....his woman. 

With the dinner a hit and him full and happy, she was content with watching the stars, lying in his arms. But Can had other ideas, it was all he could do to finish their meal before he ravished her like a crazed sex fiend. Her hair came down, the beautiful shawl was tossed aside, and the dress,...well that was no match for Can Divit, when he had his mind set. His eyes burned into hers, " My Sanem, my beautiful and most wonderful woman, what are you doing to me." He growled lowly, as his lips grazed hers. " I'm like a schoolboy doing this for the first time." My mind is spinning and my heart is beating so hard it hurts." She could feel it through his chest, pressed tightly against her, " Can will it always be like this? She ask, " I hope it will, because I love everything about it my love." She whispered. It was late into the night when they finally retired to their bed, exhausted and ready for sleep.

The next day consisted of packing and readying the house to be closed down for awhile. Of course, the long shower at the start of the day had taken up the biggest part of the morning, so by the time it was all done the sun was sitting, bringing the close of the final day there. It was so bitter sweet for her, this place meant so much to her. She was liberated and claimed there, by the man she loved, making her stronger and more determined to have her happy life. She wouldn't let anyone or anything come before him, or their love. It had taken her a long time to come to this realization, but now that she had, her heart was happy and content. Her thought was to take in all she could from this magical place, if she could bottle it and take it with her, she would. They laid on their blanket, watching the sun go down. His thoughts went to the first day he had seen this place, thinking how much she would love it. Everything he had done for the past 2 years was with her in mind, thinking only of her and their future. He knew that one day she would find him there and their love would be consummated In this very spot. Now they would take this direction of life for her, and when the time was right they would come back to their home on the beach. 

As she watched the stars, her mind recalled the night she stayed with him in the hammock by the sea. How they fell asleep in each other's arms, she never knew how much he would mean to her, or how much her heart would need him, until this moment.

" He was her everything.......her Albatross

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