Chapter Sixteen

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She felt like it had been a dream, she awoke with him there sharing her bed. This was now her life, finally all the obstacles that she had allowed to come between them were gone. Huma, Polen, Yigit, all gone, she had been tested by them, in fact they both had. This love was strong enough to withstand anything, she thought, as she watched him sleep, peacefully. Looking at the time, 8:15, she thought, I'll need to call Kai this morning and check in, letting him know we are here. Her stomach growled, she always woke up hungry, but she realized there was no food in the house, so the best she could do was, tea. She tried to wiggle out of his grip, but evidently he had something else in mind, he tighten his grip and smiled without opening his eyes. " Can, I thought you were still asleep," she exclaimed. He held her, " No, I've been awake for a bit, just listening to you think." He said. She laughed, " How can you listen to me think, thats impossible." She stated. " Ok, let me see,'re already  thinking about calling Kai, and you just realized there's no food in the house. Right." He said with certainty, making her turn to mush with that look of desire in his eyes. She looked at him in amazement, " How did you know."  She asked. " Well, I know your mind is on business right now, and I heard your stomach growl, so I know you're hungry." He said. He flipped over on top of her, she felt the spark of electricity from him. Their skin touching without any barriers, just skin on skin, made an instant heat. Him, already fully grown with desire for her, kisses her neck, breathing in her intoxicating smell. It ignited him more. She shivered from his touch, and she ached for him to enter her, take her on that journey of ecstasy that only he could. Oh, how much she wanted him, it scared her sometimes to think about it, he had been her only one, and never would there be another. 

With their desire at it's peak, and them both reaching release, there was a knock on the door. It stopped her in her tracks, " Can someone's knocking on the door, " she said, nudging him out of his coma of desire. " What, " he said, stopping to listen. "Someone's at the door," she whispered. With things pretty much ruined then, he rolled over to hear another knock on the door. " Damn, who can that be." He said angrily. " Just ignore it bebek," he said rolling back towards her to take up where he left off, still armed and ready.  " Can, we can't , they know where here, go answer the door. There was another knock, he kicked the sheet back that he gotten tangled up around his feet, stringing out a line of curse words, as he did. He grabbed his shorts from the floor,  that he had on the night before and tried to put them on, hopping along on one foot, as there was yet another knock on the door. " I'm coming," he yelled, " Hold on." As he came from the bedroom, he saw it was his dad standing there at the door. His dad smiled and waved,  " Good morning son," He said. "I hope I didn't disturb you." The look from Cans face had told him the truth, but Can smiled and said, " No we were just lounging in bed, about to get up."  What's up dad." He asked.  " Oh, well we thought you might want to join us for breakfast, Mihriban was set a wonderful table, and since you have no food here, we would love for you both to join us." He stammered, embarrassed at his obvious, "bad timing".  Sanem entered the room, with her robe wrapped tightly around her, " Good morning Azizbey," she said sheepishly, " Breakfast sounds wonderful, just give us a minute and we'll be right there." And thank you for the invitation." She announced. His dad hurried out, Sanem covered her mouth, to hide the amusement that had crossed her face. Can stood with his hands on his hips, watching his dad walk away, " Ok, that's it, I'm ready to go back to our house on the beach. He looked at her, seeing her hide her laugh, "It's not funny, Sanem, they're going to be here all the time."  We won't have our time alone." He pouted. She hugged up to him, " Oh, my beautiful cuddly bear, we'll have plenty of alone time, just probably not a lot of sleep time." She joked. 

She lead him back to the bedroom to dress for breakfast, with him still showing his extreme disappointment at their lovemaking cut short. " We'll pickup where we left off," he told her, as she teased him by stripping off her robe in front of him, and searching for her clothes. " Can, later," she said. " we have a lot of things to do today." She smiled, " I promise I'll make up for it tonight." She said with a wink. His eyes ravished her, that stare that made her heart skip a beat, he did things to her that she, herself couldn't explain. It was a pure and raw need of him to be hers in every sense of the word. But first things first, as she found a long loose fitting sun dress and threw it on. " Hurry and dress, my love, I'm staving, and they are waiting for us." She spoke, rushing about to fix her hair up in a ponytail. He loved to watch every move she made, she was enticingly seductive in each move, and she never even realized it. He dressed and they walked to his dads, he had missed his dad and was glad to be this close to him. The breakfast was delicious and he filled his dad in on his freelance business he had going. Aziz asked him what he had planned to do while they were here, Can answered, " I am here for Sanem, to be with her and take care of her while she travels, other than that, I have no other plans. This is very important to her so, it's important to me too." He said. Those words from his son made him so proud, he had finally devoted himself to the woman he love, and her to him. What more could a father want than for his children to happy. 

They walked back to their house after breakfast, content to just be together. She called Kai and told him she was home at the farm. He would send her a schedule of events for to follow. The first appearance would be in two days, on the local morning show. It had quite a large audience so she would get a lot of exposure, then on to Izmir a few days later. 

Her head was swimming with all the dates and places, but at least she had Can with her this time. He was her rock on this trip, she wouldn't be able to do it without him. Can was already thinking about the proposal, it needed to happen before the trip to Izmir, so while they where gone Leila and Mihriban could make the wedding plans. He wanted it quick and simple, of course if that's the way she wanted it. He was just ready to make her his wife.......Sanem was excited about the exposure for the book, but being on the talk show just hadn't been her thing. They made her nervous and horribly self conscious. She was hoping to be a bit more relaxed this time, and be able to enjoy it a little more. 

Being with Can would calm her down....he had that effect on her.

She knew she always needed him with her, day and night, 365 days a year.  For the rest of her life........

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