Chapter Eight

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He smiled at her, with his ocean blue eyes twinkling, he typed, " You don't know how to cook, do you." She shot him a look of annoyance, " Yes." She replied, using another English word she knew. But he knew she was lying, so he typed, " Let's start with something simple, maybe just pan seared chicken breast with a white sauce." She looked at him in amazement, and typed,         " Really, you can make that." He didn't reply, just gave her a thumbs up sign and a wink. Well maybe she would let him help her, she wanted to show Can she could do something. They shopped through the store, picking up all the ingredients for the white sauce and selected two boneless chicken breasts from the meat counter. She thought he seemed confident in what he was doing, so she followed his lead. They checked out and started to her car,  he spoke into his phone, " Nice car, it's yours?" He asked, she shook her head, and replied on the phone, " It's my boyfriends."  She said, smiling. He nodded his approval. He gestured he would meet her at her house, and she waved and pulled away. 

She carried in the bags and went to find her phone, looking she saw three missed calls from Can.  " Well, I guess he figured I was mad," she thought. She felt bad, she didn't like being mad at him, but he was an insensitive jerk sometimes, and the making up was the best part. Within minutes her phones rang, it was Can, " Hello," she said, a bit coldly.  " Sanem, my god, where have you been, I've been worried sick." He shouted. She smiled to herself, " I went shopping, I told you. And I forgot my phone. Sorry." She stated. His voice was low, " Sanem, I'm sorry my love, I didn't mean to upset you." He whispered. " You know what ever you cook, I'll eat, gladly. " He said. She knew what he meant, and it made her smile a big smile and her heart was warmed with the memories. " I know, I'm sorry, it just struck me the wrong way, I love you, when are you coming home." She pleaded. At that minute Rye entered the door, clapped his hands a said, " Are you ready to get started, not seeing she was on the phone. Sanem waved her hands at him to be quiet, but it was to late, Can had already heard him. " Sanem, who's that?" He asked in a sharp tone. She was flinging her arms around, desperately trying to think of a response, " Uhh, a chef, I hired a chef to teach me how to cook a few things, " she said, covering her eyes with her other hand. She knew how jealous Can was of any other man, she didn't want to stir up a big mess.            " What, a man chef, you couldn't have found a nice little woman from one of the cafes to help you." He spouted. " Who is he, from what restaurant, maybe I know him." He asked with demand. She rolled her eyes and hung her head, " I think he's new In town, so you probably don't know him." She answered. Rye knew the conversation she was having wasn't going very well so he stepped out side to give them privacy, even thought he hadn't a clue of what they were saying.

It took a bit for her to convince Can that everything was fine, but he finally relented and excepted her explanation. He told her he should be home the next day, but it would probably be late in the evening. She squealed with excitement, telling him she would be waiting for him. He hung up still a bit on the anxious side at someone he didn't know being there with her alone. Rye was waiting outside, when she finished the call she motioned him to come in. He spoke through the phone, " Your boyfriend? He asked. She nodded with a broad smile covering her face. She typed, " He's coming home tomorrow, so I want to make him dinner." She said. He read it and shook his head in agreement, but his heart had just sunk down to his feet. " Ok", he thought, " you started this so you have to finish it, then walk away and cut your losses. He's probably a terrific guy, maybe someone famous, he'd have to be to have a woman like that." He analyzed. They started to cook, the language barrier, didn't seem to be a problem, there was just  a lot of hand gestures, pointing and a whole lot of laughing, but somehow it worked. He had a hard time keeping his eyes off of her, she was just a beautiful woman, even if he couldn't understand a word she said. 

" Focus," he was telling himself, as they stirred the white creamy sauce to go over the chicken. This woman is spoken for, but he did notice there wasn't a ring of any kind on her finger. Maybe she wasn't as spoken for as he thought. She smelled the aroma as it steamed up  for the pan, "Hmm, good," she said. She smiled at him with appreciation, giving a thumbs up, and a wink, making him laugh. " Well, this lesson was over," he thought, as they cleaned the kitchen. She had no intentions of sharing a meal with him, but felt obligated after he had invested so much time in it today, so she extended an invitation to stay, which he accepted gladly.It was delicious, there was no doubt about that, now all she needed to do was duplicate the same thing tomorrow for Can. Rye stuck out his hand to her, waiting for hers, she returned it with a shake, and he nodded his head in a goodbye gesture and left. It was still early in the evening, so she took her notebook to the beach for her evening sunset viewing. She wrote about the day, how much fun she had, cooking of all things, who would have thought. She mind drifted off, thinking, just one more night, then Can will be back and all will be right with the world again. Her thoughts went to the possibilities of what will happen when he got home. She would have dinner ready, but would he want to eat first, or would he throw her on their bed and ravishingly claim what was his and what they had missed out on the last 5 days. She smiled as the butterflies that always accompanied the desire of him, fluttered about deep within her body.

As her dreams of what was to come became more and more visible in her mind, she thought....

" Maybe we will wait on the food".........she thought with a smile.

Please everyone, bear with me on this character Rye, though strange, he is harmless and he will prove to have a small role in this story, just here to add a little different color to this continuing love story of Can and Sanem. All will be well......It never hurts to add in a bit of controversy into their fictional world of undying love.

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