Change to Avatar: The Last Airbender

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That morning was like any other morning in the small Earth Kingdom town. The sun wasn't quite up, yet the market square was buzzing already with life. I quickly threw my clothes on, grabbed my broad swords and snuck down stairs. Mother hated me takeing my swords with me everywhere i went, but i hated being unprotected. I searched the larder for a quick snack before i headed into town. It was my little sisters birthday, and i wanted to get her something special. As i walked down the winding path to the village, i thought about my brother. i missed him so much, it almost pained me to think about it. he'd joined the army and died on the front, killed by one of those rutheless fire benders. i hated the fire nation. It'd torn my family apart at the seams.

The square was bustling with people and wonderful smells hung in the air. Fresh bread mingled with ocean spray and earthy teas. I ran over to Aruesho's stall in the far corner of the market place.

"Good morning Miko! Isn't it a fine morning?" said Aruesho.

"Fantastic, do you by chance have it finished yet?" i answered back. Aruesho laughed.

"Yes, yes. I have it right here. Why are you in such a rush this fine morning?"-Aruesho

"Its Nori's birthday, and I wanted to surprise her. Now hand it over before i have to kick your butt." i said, jokeingly. Aruesho reached under the table and pulled out a little Earth kingdom doll.

"Here you go, exactly what you ordered."-Aruesho

"Thank you." I handed him the money and headed back home. On the way, i detoured into one of the farm fields. I loved watching the sun rise, me and my brother always got up early to watch it. i looked off into the distance, over the ocean before i went home. My heart dropped as i saw black smoke rising to the sky and screams coming from the village. I ran back to the town. fire nation soldiers were charging off the ships, burning the shops, and rounding up the villagers. then i remembered about my family. I ran straight back home but when i got there, i was too late. soldiers had burned our fields and set fire to my house. I didnt see my family anywhere, then i realized why. i ran towards the burning building, but before i reached what used to be my house, the soldier grabbed me.

"Let me go!! No! Let go!" I screamed as i was dragged back towards the shore. I stood in the old square numbly, barely aware of what was happening around me.

"bender or non-bender?" -fire nation soldier. a rough shove brought me back to reality. "BENDER or NON-BENDER?"

"Non-bender" i answered.

"take her to Captain Zhao." one soldier said to another as i was handed off. we walked over to the docks. "Captain Zhao, sir. The girl you requested."

"Good, and she's a.."

"Non-Bender, sir."

"Perfect!, She'll be the perfect gift. take her to the prison hold." Captain Zhao started to walk away.

"Hold on. What do you mean gift? I'm no slave! for ANYONE!" i screamed. Captain Zhao stopped and turned back.

"My dear, you'll not be a slave. A prisoner of war, yes,but not a slave. you'll be a personal servent, that's all. now lieutenant, take her to the prison hold." i was taken to the prison hold at the bottom of the ship and put in one of the dark and damp cells. sea water seeped through the seams, makeing the floor constantly wet. i was forced to be in there for 3 days straight. eventually i was allowed to walk the decks, but only under supervison. the whole trip took 3 weeks, in which i was told very little. When arrived, i was taken to a beautifully furnished room, with elegant tapestrys and elaborate paintings decorateing the walls. i was told to wait there. i went and looked around the room. there were tiny figurines on the dresser. they were so intricate and beautiful. as i looked at them, some one entered the room. A boy, no more than 14, walked into the room. He was beautiful, tall and slim with a slight build.

"what are you doing in here!?, and who are you, iv'e never seen you around here before." he asked.

"i...i...i was told to wait here." as i spoke to him, Captain Zhao walked in the room with a rather sinister yet elegant looking man.

"Ahh, prince Zuko. I see you found your birthday present. i hope you'll like it." Captain Zhao said. He looked very pleased with himself.

"Her?! That my birthday preasent? but its a girl, a human being. i." said zuko.

"Prince zuko! quite yourself. You will exept this gift with gratitude." The elegant man said.

"yes father." zuko answered back. Captain Zhao and the fire-lord left,and zuko went and sat on one of the extravagant couches. he beckoned me over."My name is Prince Zuko, Crowned Prince of the Fire nation. You can call me zuko. What's your name?"

"Miko." i answered back

"miko..... well you'll sleep down in the servents quarters, down the hall. you may go there now." he left me in the room all alone.

And thats how it started.. Three years later, with the search for the avatar well under way, our story begins.

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