Chapter 13- Family Discussion

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They jerked to its vibration. Zayd's heart felt as if it suddenly dropped as he picked his phone. It was Zaytoon.

"Excuse me please," told Madinah and picked the call, taking few steps away from her.

"It's almost dark, aren't you coming home?!" I started.

"I'll be on my way dummy! Hajia, You can't even salama!" He replied in the same time I did. "Don't bother making dinner for me, okay?"

"Whatever Mr. Lover-boy! As if I care!" I finally cut the call.

An awkward silence remained a bit. Zayd remembered what he was doing before the call.

'How stupid could I be!' He smirked, nibbling his lower lip, anxiously.

So you're no longer angry at me, are you? Zayd broke the face-stuffing silence that was killing them both.

"Not at all..." A shy smile flashed through her tempting lips. "I apologize for what I said earlier and how I acted. I know I shouldn't have done that. I don't know why... Sometimes, I'm just so stupid."

"No, there's no need to call yourself names. Its good you're being so sincere about me" he wore a gorgeous smirk towards her. "Should we continue from where we stopped?"

Madinah looked so perplexed, that she turned away from him, biting her lower lip lightly. She couldn't help but to think about the kiss.

Zayd put his hands into his pocket and brought out the tiny rose again.

"Oh, this..." She slapped back into reality.

What do you mean by 'Oh, this?' Wait, what were you thinking?" Zayd smiled as she joined him in the laughter.

"No... It's nothing. I meean...I, I wasn't thinking about anything, seriously." She defended.

"So, would you be mine forever, Madinah. Would you share your happiness and sadness with me?" He proposed.

"Yes, Zayd... I will!" She accepted and collected the flower. "I promise to be yours and yours forever no matter what happens."

Then she looked at it. Inside the rose petals laid a beautiful golden ring that designed 'yours forever' on it

Madinah was so excited. She never knew Zayd placed a ring there. He placed it in her middle finger tight hug. Zayd cleaned the place, lacking the broken verses and plates while this love decided to make dinner for him before he leaves. She made two cups of tea with fried eggs and served with a delicious loaf of bread.

They kept on gisting as they ate dinner.

So what's your favorite Nigerian food? He asked, interested.


"Hahahaha! Is that one even food?"

"Well, It satisfied me well and I think its better than other noodles I've tasted in California."

"What about rice?"

"You know, things taste different from the ones we eat in Carl because most foods here are boiled, ours is either baked or so.... You understand?"

"Yes, I once lived in California remember? Memories fade but I still have a little touch of that. It's just that I got used to the food especially staying with grandma. I think you should get use to it since you're here now."

"Yes...." Another series of silence blow through their conversation. "So was this your first kiss?"

"Yes." Zayd smiled. "What about you?"

"It's my second. Jazid took my first."

"So, who is Jazid to you?" He has wanted to ask her this for long. What he needed was just something special. A good timing.

"Jazid is a friend. He's another family friend like you are and he's American. Jazid is meant to be my betrothed. I mean... For some selfish business reasons my parents had signed even before my birth. Long ago after my parents imprisonment, a lot of things went wrong. The doctor that adopted my dad died and his children inherit everything. My mom on the other hand was disowned by her own family. Even when she was the only daughter all because of what happened between your mum and mine. You'll be shocked to know what happened then but only God knows the kind of relationship they kept till the end. Well, to me, I'll say that anger built something into my mom's heart."


"Yes, something like hatred." She guessed down the cup of tea and continued. "As I was saying, My mum was forced to leave Nigeria and my dad took couldn't move on. It was

We promptly entered Hussain Family's investment business. Luckily,
Sahil Fahir's family emerged as realistic candidates to inherit the world of Hussain and company. I had no choice since I was my parents only child.


Just then, one of Zayd's friend visited. It was just 7: 00am. His name is Sulaiman but everyone calls him Sule. 
He comes most times to borrow money that get never pays, but Said gives him out of mercy and charity. At most times.

Zaydu! Abeg com borrow me money.

Bros, I myself dey Brooklyn like this. Shi-shi no dey my hand.

Bring the ATM card na, I go go withdrawal am.

See you! As if I'm working... You ehn?

Better still, Go and learn kunnu making! See your mouth like turning stick. Your nonsense mouth!!

This is not a mouth fight o! I'll slap you now!

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