Chapter 5: Baby Come Kiss Me Quick

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"Oh, it's only 15 in the clock, did you file for half day today?" Demeter saw Zeus passing by the living room "You reek of alcohol ... why did you drink?"

"They just told me that my day off has been changed to Wednesdays when I arrived in the office" Zeus looking down at the floor "If only they notified me yesterday then I should have accompanied you to the airport this morning to send off your friends" grabbing Demeter's hand "You're my wife, right?" staring at the ring on Demeter's finger "Even if it's just a private ceremony and only our families know that we're legally married ... still we are husband and wife, living here together with our beautiful daughter, though I want us to sleep in one bed every night" smiling like a fool

"So, this is your drinking habit" Demeter staring at Zeus's drunken face "Why don't we go to your room, let's get you change?" leading Zeus to walk

"I don't usually drink but your first love put me up to a fight, he told me that you two saw each other this morning when he dropped off your friends in the airport" Zeus trying to walk straightly "He went to see me in the office but we met in a shop nearby ... I was thinking about what happened last night while having a cup of coffee before I go back here then he suddenly showed up and took a seat opposite to mine"

"What gibberish did he tell you?" Demeter helping Zeus not to stumble on his way "Aside from proclaiming himself as my first love?"

"He told me that he'll take you away from me and if it's only our child that keeping me stay in our marriage then he'll treat Persephone like his own so that she won't grow up without a father" Zeus suddenly pushed Demeter on the wall and pinned her with his hands "I hate to admit it but he was right, the only reason that I agreed to this marriage is our child, and then you've confessed to me on our 100th day, I wasn't sure about myself so I haven't tell you that I like you too" moving closer to Demeter "I was about to answer him last night but you cut me off, why did you do that?"

"He's just provoking you, if you tell him that you love me he'll use it to make you insincere with your answer as you just imitated him by confessing to everyone, and to be honest I got scared too because you might say it just because you were under pressure and you don't mean it" Demeter staring at Zeus's eyes "You never said that you love me when it's just the two of us"

"I love you" Zeus passionately kiss Demeter's lips while embracing her gently with his arms "You're mine, I won't let anyone take you away from me"

"Me too, I love you" Demeter embracing Zeus "I'm yours but as much as I want us to continue, I don't want us to do it while one of us is drunk, you're tempting but I don't want to take advantage of your situation" pushing Zeus gently away and walk him to his room "I'll ask one of your men to assist you, I don't think I can do it alone" leaving the room as soon as possible "You did a great job Demeter" sighing in relief "It's not the right time yet"

Thanks to a liter of whiskey that Zeus drank all by himself, he finally said the words that Demeter wanted to hear from him ever since the day she confessed her feeling for him. Even though having a hangover, Zeus pushed himself to go to work the next morning and to send Demeter to the science school since it's her first day at her new job, though they already resolved their matter the real problem still persist.

"Ms. Nevaeh" the school director greeted Demeter enthusiastically "Come in, take a seat, I believe you know Mr. Goddy here, since you two came from the same university" introducing the man sitting on the other chair "Though he graduated a year after, but still you were in the same department"

"Oh yes, I know him but what is he doing here?" Demeter faking a smile to hide her annoyance

"I've been inviting him to teach here ever since he graduated but he went straight to England" school director looking at Rain "He promised that he'll accept the job offer when he come back here in Korea and now that he's here ... he's keeping his promise"

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