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"Why you gotta let him drive you here  every morning?" The first thing he asked me.

"What's wrong  with that? We're friends, you guys are even closer than we are." I chuckled at his furrowed eyebrows.

"Whatever, I don't like it." He looked away.

"Papi, I already told you didn't I? My house is on his way. It's way practical to go to work using the same car." I then hooked my hands on his.

"That's exactly why I told you that I would pick you up every morning, right?" he said as he started to walk towards the office.

"Papiiiiiiii, you're house is far plus you're sched is full." as much as I wanna see him first thing in the morning, I want him to have enough time to rest.

"I told you too, didn't I? It's okay! I can manage!" he insisted.

"And then what? You'll never get enough rest?" I let go of his hands and got in his way.

"Tch. You always get things your way, huh?" He stopped walking.

"What are we even arguing here?" I slightly laughed.

"It's because you're too close with Tay!" He then pushed my forehead with his pointing finger slightly.

"Why are you acting like a jealous child?"I placed my hands on my waist looking like a mother scolding her child.

"You really don't think I don't know that people actually ship you two?"  He imitated my hands.

"What's the big deal? You already know the truth." He then looked at me with a pair of suspicious eyes.  "Tss. You acted like you didn't care on cam and now you give me this attitude." I whispered.

"I heard that, little one!" He then wrapped his arms around my neck.

"ALAAAIII? I SAID NOTHING!" I got out of his choke and laughed like a crazy man.

"Who do you think told me that I should compose myself every single time there's an audience and not expose anything, huh?" He messed my hair.

"Okay, okay. I have no more excuses." I extended my arms to welcome his warmth.

"You always like to end our argues by hugging me." He said as if complaining when in fact, he started to wrap his arms around my waist.

"Please understand me, naaaaa~"I dearly whispered unto his ears so that he'll forgive me for something I'm not even guilty of. He exaggeratedly sighed and lowered down his head to let chin rest on my shoulder.

"Oho! This is the hallway pa!" I turned my head to Chimon who's wearing that devilish look every time Papi and I are together.  

"Alaii?"I teased him as  I stuck my tongue out. 

"Oh. So you dare to do this to me now? I see. Let's see who's notification are gonna blow up if I upload this" He said as he pulled out his phone and turned it to us just as if taking a picture.

"Ai'Chimon!" I shouted with a ghost of smile sealed in my lips while trying to get out of Papis grasp.

"Papiiiiii!" I said as he hugged me even tighter instead of letting go. "People are starting to stare Papi." I explained while starting to get out of his warm embrace.

"It wasn't my plan to hide us, it's you. Let them stare, as if I care." He said.

"Why don't you guys just kiss, too?" Chimon shook his head in disagreement while turning his back on us to go on his way.

"Alright , I surrender. Let me go naaaa~" I said.

"I will never let you go again." I smiled. This man really know how to use his tongue. 

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