Special Chapter

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This is not the first story that I have written and finished yet I feel attached to this story the most. This is the unwanted special chapter everyone. Happy reading and stay safe during this pandemic. Rak na~

[Every single thing in this story is from my wild imagination so let's please not give hate to anyone. I support peace ya'll.]

Ps. I wrote this chap about a month ago and I kinda forgot to post it because I got rained by problems lately, up until now actually, but I got reminded of this because of the issue with Off and his ex which turned out to be false lmao. I just want to clarify that this didn't have any relations to that issue. I was actually thinking of redoing this but it feels wrong so I just let it be. anyways, I'll try to be active again. Please do interact with me huhu

Special Chapter 

Off's Point of View

"Ai'Gun!" I said irritatingly as I removed my arm from his small, veiny hands. This little devil never failed to tease me by being touchy. He keeps touching me jokingly even though he knows I never liked physical contacts especially holding hands. 

I smiled as I felt his hand held mine. He's been doing that for years that I got so used to it. I felt like his touch became one of my daily habit. Sometimes, I feel empty when he's not around. 

"Papi! Let's grab lunch na~" He rubbed his head on my shoulders sideways like a cat wanting to be pet by it's owner.

"I can't, I have a date with my girlfriend." he backed down a step away from me and furrowed his eyebrows slightly. 

"Oh, okay." He said in between of little laughs. 

I have been telling him that I have a girlfriend ever since we got close but he never did believe me. My long time girlfriend is also in my industry so we preferred to hide it but I can actually tell him her name but he didn't ask or believe me. 

I just shrugged it off since I thought that was normal, until that day, when he finally met her. 

"Papi! I have to go now, I figured out I still had one interview. Enjoy your meal, let's have a talk some other time." He said as he pertained to Cameron, my girlfriend, and smiled. They were actually friends. I was about to say something but he turned his back immediately.

I was confused as to why he said he had an interview when he just told me yesterday that he will be free the whole day today. Who will he be meeting? 

"Off?" I turned to Cameron as she snapped her hands in front of me. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"What were you thinking? I called you ample of times already." she said as she leaned closer to look at my face, obviously worried. 

"Nothing." I leaned back a bit. 

Why isn't he replying?


Are you home now?

That was sent half an hour ago but he only replied now with a simple "not yet". Not yet? I sent him another message immediately as to where he is but he never replied back. That went on for weeks that I can't even focus on my work now. I tried my best to approach him but he always had a reason to get away. I don't know what's wrong? I never did anything to disappoint him. 

Or did I?

I just can't get used to it.

He made me so comfortable with him. He made me destroy the wall that no one ever had the power to make it tremble. He made me get used to his care, his touch and he'll just disappear from me now? 

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