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This will be the last chapter of my short fanfic. Thanks for everyone who got this far. I couldn't explain how thankful I was for your support. Happy reading and stay safe everyone. I hope you find your own Off Jumpol. Muah!


"What happened?" I asked P'Tay.

"You didn't open your social media accounts today?" He asked yet it seems like he wants me to open my social media to know what was happening.

I took out my phone from my back pocket and almost pressed the ground floor button in the elevator but P'Tay slapped my hand slightly.

"Where do you think you're going? You are being summoned at the main office." He declared.

This issue is indeed big. It explains the amount of messages I have received today. I was too worried about Papi to even care about them.

I guess I have no choice. I actually still don't know what all of this is about but I couldn't care less. I wanted to go find Papi earlier but I figured I was about to go up and find him there.

Later when I arrive there, I will either find resolution to this problem quickly or escape secretly if I can't find Papi. Based on what I have seen earlier, this issue seems to be a little big so I think it will be the latter.

We arrived on the tenth floor but no matter how much I looked around, I can only see people gossiping about me. There was no sign of Papi around.

P'Tay quietly assisted me unto the office. No matter how much I think about it, I think he knows where Papi is.

"You know where Papi is, don't you?" I accused him.

On normal days, he would be very talkative but seeing how silent he is right now, the issue must be really sensitive.

"What's wrong?" I said as I stepped inside the office. My manager instructed that I sit on the sofa so I did. After an unnecessary moment of silence, he showed a picture of me and Aiven from earlier.

"Who is he?" He asked. What is this?

"It's my friend, Aiven Del Rad." I said.

"Tell me that again after you see what's on the next page of that." He said seriously.

I swiped the picture and saw that the next one was a screenshot from an article in one of the most well-known gossip magazine in our country and it was about me.

The article said that I destroyed a relationship and that I stole the businessman Aiven Del Rad from his recent model girlfriend. How ridiculous.

They even had our pictures from this afternoon to support their claim.

"What a bunch of bullshit." I didn't even realize that I was saying that out loud.

"Do you seriously believe this?" I asked them while suppressing a laugh. I just find this really funny. Me and Aiven? Really?

"I never doubted your capabilities but I also know your standard. You would not stoop down and steal a taken man." My manager told me.

I nodded. I may have to change my company if he really believed that shit. I don't need a company who doesn't even trust their artists.

"But the real question I wanted to ask you is if you have any special feelings about this man?" He asked me.

"I'm sure not." P'Tay answered in my stead. I glared at him jokingly.

I only nodded to support his claim.

"Good. What you may have to do now is lie low for a little bit. We will release an official announcement denying this article. You know, Its not good for your image to keep seeing a man who just experienced a break up. You saw what happened." He told me.

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