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Please bear with me cause I cracked my head for days thinking about this story since I lacked out of inspirations. Things had just been so hard lately, plus the pandemic. Anyways, Happy reading and stay safe everyone. 


I got off my bed as I heard my phone rang.

Is it Papi?

I looked at my phone in disappointment as I saw it was not from him. Right. He had a schedule today.

 "Moshi mosh?" I said as I picked up the phone call.

"Gun?" she said as if confirming it is really me she's talking to and not my manager.

"Yep?" I asked her.

"Do you have any schedules today?" She asked me.

"No." I said.

"Great! Then can you please come to Zoone?" She pleaded.

I met her at Zoone, my fave hangout bar, since she performs there.  She's famous so GMMTV hired her to sing one of the ost of our series. She told me the first time we met, that she only wrote and sang a song for GMMTV since she was a fan. I also heard that a lot of scouts are trying to win her over but she always declined. I don't know what's wrong with this girl. 

"Why? What's wrong, Zali?" I asked her.

I know something is wrong cause if she only wanted to hangout, she'd only send a text message. 

"Uh, It's Aiven." She said. 

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"We actually agreed to drink as early as five in the afternoon cause I have a gig at nine." She explained.

"So he's drunk right now?" I hinted.

"No. He's still not here actually, and that worries me." She said.

"What?" I looked at my phone. "But it's already 8:22. He's normally very punctual" 

"I know. I can't even contact him anymore." she added.

"Okay. I'll try to get a hold of him right now. I know you have to prepare for the performance right now." I told her. 

"Omg. thank you so much! I actually wanna help too but you know.." She hesitated. This girl really have the sweetest heart.

"I told you it's okay." I assured her.

"Thank you again! I wouldn't know what to do without you. I'm worried sick for him." She said with a tone full of genuine worry. I let out a small laugh.

"He's not your burden alone. Oh my gosh, we're all friends. We all have to take care of each other sometimes. " I said. She is this kind of person. She never asked her friends for comfort but she always see to it that she is there when things gets hard. 

Speaking of hard times, what's wrong with Aiven, seriously?

"Okay, but can I ask for one more favor?" She asked.

"Sure." I said. 

"Please don't say or ask anything to Aiven when you see him. Just invite him to party all night. You see, he just broke up with his girlfriend." She informed me.


So this was why?

"Okay. I'll head there as soon as I find him." I said. 

I tried to contact him as soon as the call ended. She was right he's out of reach. I grabbed my phone, keys and coat and quickly headed out of the room. 

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