"I'm Just Worried"

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*♡ 𐐪𐑂.𐐪𐑂 ♡* 𐐪𐑂.𐐪𐑂 ♡* 𐐪𐑂.𐐪𐑂 ♡* 𐐪𐑂.𐐪𐑂 ♡♡ 𐐪𐑂.𐐪𐑂 ♡*

"Oh yeah, where are we going, Usagi-san?" Misaki asked. The minute he came home all Usagi had told him was that they were going somewhere but he never actually told him where to.

"On a date."

Misaki couldn't believe how Usagi would just say almost anything so nonchalantly; the way he always acted calm and collected would piss him off sometimes. Well, at least he was glad that he didn't take his red sportscar. Instead he took his grey one tonight which was probably to look less flashy since it was dark out, plus it fit the mood. Either way, Misaki would feel really self conscious when Usagi took him anywhere. 

"Uhm, Usagi-san...?" Misaki started.


"Why did you suddenly want to go somewhere?" Misaki questioned. It's not like they never went on dates, they actually go on quite a few, but Usagi usually would tell him beforehand when they were going on a date. Misaki didn't mind this however, he was actually grateful. He loves spending with Usagi and even when he would get on his nerves or teased him he couldn't deny that he loved him. 

"I just felt like it" Usagi responded.

"Jeez, there you go saying everything so casually" Misaki said as he looked out the window with a sigh.

"What's wrong? Is my little Misaki grumpy?" 

"A-am not!!!" 

"Don't worry, we're almost there" Usagi reassured him.

Misaki had a tendency to feel a bit nervous when going on dinner dates; they would always remind him of the first time he ever went on one with Usagi. That night many years ago Misaki was already doubting his feelings for Usagi but to make things worse Usagi's editor-in-chief, Ryuuichiro Isaka, somehow knew they were together and barged in all of the sudden. Isaka then started babbling on about Usagi's past only for Misaki to realize he knew nothing about his lover. Thankfully Usagi removed Isaka from the situation, in sort of an aggressive way, but Misaki was left feeling worse than before. Thankfully Usagi could see that the boy was stuck in his thoughts so he assured him that night that he didn't need to feel bad about not knowing everything about him, and that he loved him no matter what.

And even when Usagi was all sentimental, he was still as cool as ever.


ଘ꒰⑅ ' ˘ ' ⑅ ꒱♡

When they arrived at the restaurant they were escorted to an area for private dining as Usagi had made a reservation. And as per usual the coat checker offered to take their coats which Misaki would always accept his coat to be taken care of while Usagi liked to keep his on, it was rare for him to not be with his full suit on, even at home. Those moments every now and then when he wouldn't wear a suit made Misaki's heart waver. Usagi would do anything to make Misaki happy, including pulling his chair out for him and seating him comfortably.

No matter how many times Misaki has been on dates with Usagi it seemed like he was never fully used to how luxurious they were; of course it was normal for Usagi since he grew up wealthily but Misaki considered himself a commoner so these types of scenarios were quite rare, so he really enjoyed going on dinner dates. He was able to try food that looked extra tasty and eat food that he rarely would make himself because of how expensive it could get. Misaki would not consider himself an alcoholic by any means since he rarely drank but he loved trying the different wines and champagnes on the menu and the desserts were always delicious too. 

The couple would routinely order the same same food since they were not particularly picky. Usagi however wasn't too fond of sweets so Misaki would usually be the only one to order a dessert. Usagi loved watching his lover enjoy the food; it made him happy to see his lover gush over how yummy the food was. But Usagi had to make one thing clear tonight.

"Misaki, don't get too close to him" he said immediately.

"?" Misaki was confused. "Are you talking about Ijuuin sensei?" 

"I'm just worried" Usagi replied.

Misaki didn't like when Usagi said these things. Why was he worried?

"Do you not trust me? Am I not allowed to hang out with other people? Do you really hate me talking to others that much? Is that it?" Misaki said irritated.

"No. No, Miskaki, it's not that I don't trust you: I don't trust him. When you're with him I don't know what he's planning to do. I can't be there to look over you. That man in unpredictable. I can't stand to think of anyone taking you away from me."

Misaki sighed as he saw the earnest look on Usagi's face. Actually he felt a little relieved; Usagi meant well and he was a bit embarrassed that he could say all of that as if it was nothing, but he didn't want him to overthink about it since he fully understood what it felt like to be worried about someone taking your lover away.

"You know, you could've said that earlier. You really worried me..." Misaki said being curt. He couldn't help but advert his gaze as he slowly cut the steak in front of him feigning being composed. The love he had for Usagi always made him feel a twinge in his heart but he'd be damned if he showed how easily embarrassed he could get.

"Misaki, promise me you'll look at for yourself" Usagi said worried for him. At times like these it felt like Usagi's voice vibrated through Misaki's body, the way his voice was warm yet loving, deep yet smooth, it made him go crazy hearing him call his name.

"Don't worry about him, Usagi-san, I won't let him do anything to me. I oly work for him and nothing more, after all I love his works not him. The only one I love you" Misaki said trailing off at the end. He tried to act calm and took a sip of his wine in hopes that he could pass off his slightly red complexion on the alcohol.

"Hmm, well then, I'll take your word on that" Usagi replied brazenly with a smirk. Just then, the dessert Misaki had ordered was being brung to him. "Once you finish your dessert I'll have a present waiting for you" he said in a tone different from before.

Misaki was feeling warm. 

'A present...?'

*♡ 𐐪𐑂.𐐪𐑂 ♡* 𐐪𐑂.𐐪𐑂 ♡* 𐐪𐑂.𐐪𐑂 ♡* 𐐪𐑂.𐐪𐑂 ♡♡ 𐐪𐑂.𐐪𐑂 ♡*

*♡ 𐐪𐑂.  My Angel: Usagi x Misaki .𐐪𐑂 ♡*Where stories live. Discover now