Your eyes connected with his. For a second you liked this but to him your his play thing.
"No, I am going I don't want to be your play thing if I was too ever have a relationship it would be with a real man who has real feelings"
You unwrapped your legs and got down his hands still on your waist, letting out a sigh you look up to see a boy who once was like you but now torn apart. You felt bad.
"I'm sorry I just "
"I know, I know what I said and it's true you won't be anything to me"
He unwraps his arms and immediately where his arms once were coldness spread. You though you were getting somewhere other then this but you were wrong.
"If I'm anything I'm a strong independent woman who doesn't need a man like you so call me by my name address me like one of your generals"
this man was going to be the death of you, and somehow its fun to live on the edge of his nerves, his grasp. you didn't know a single person on that ship but somehow in a matter of 2 days you ruled over them all. It felt wrong, you were once like that, helpless following orders blindly.
"promise me Ren, if anything happens i wont be the person you run too"
even if you cared about the man he didn't care about you no matter how hard you needed or wanted someone, for anything from training to personal pleasures.
"I wont promise to you"
he didn't have any feelings.
the ship was not a shopping center, there was possibly one store for everything but no decorations, more like collections from past wars between the first order and resistance. There was one item that caught your eye, at the back of the store.
"ahh MS salvatore, general hux wants too see you"
"lead the way sir"
who was this guy? how did he know you. So many questions to be answered.
"do you know anything about my request?"
his body tightened.
"yes but its classified all i can say miss is that you have been requested immediately"
"well will anyone be attending along side me and general hux?"
his pace slowed so you could catch up until he stopped infront of a door.
"here you are"
"thank you"
you entered to see a long table with hux on one end with the knights of Ren, but no Kylo Ren.
"i presume you are general hux?"
the ginger man stood out his chair and greeted you.
"you are the one I've heard so much about"
ššš ššššš¤š£šØ š š š®š”š¤ š§šš£ š š§ššššš§ š on hold
Fanfictionā„ Źøįµįµ įµŹ³įµ įµ āæįµŹ³įµįµĖ” į¶ā±įµā±į¶»įµāæ įµāæ į¶Ź°įµāæįµŹ³ā±Ė”Ė”įµ ā½į“·ŹøĖ”įµ į“æįµāæ'Ė¢ Ź°įµįµįµ įµĖ”įµāæįµįµā¾ Ź·Ź°įµāæ įµŹ°įµ Ė¢įµįµŹ³įµįµįµ Ė”įµįµįµįµŹ³ Ź°ā±įµĖ¢įµĖ”į¶ Ź³įµįµįµŹ³āæĖ¢ įµįµ įµŹ°įµ įµĖ”įµāæįµįµ Ź°įµ Ė¢Ź·įµŹ³įµ įµįµ įµįµĖ¢įµŹ³įµŹø. Źøįµįµ į¶įµįµį¶Ź° Ź°ā±Ė¢ įµŹøįµ,įµāæįµ įµŹ°įµ įµāæā±įµŹ°įµĖ¢ įµį¶ į“æįµāæĖ¢ įµŹøįµĖ¢?! . įµŹ³Źøā±āæįµ įµįµ įµĖ¢į¶įµįµįµ įµŹ°įµ įµĖ”įµāæįµįµ įµįµį¶ įµŹ³įµ į¶įµįµįµįµŹ³įµ Ź·įµ...