you were still partly conscious, remembering what turns you took as you were being carried. a couple of doors open here and there but it never seemed to end. your hearing faded in and out.
"It will be fun to see what master ren does about this"
"WHAT?! kylo ren they are taking me to kylo ren, "you thought to yourself. after trying to ignore him you are going straight towards him. one last door opened before you stopped moving. footsteps echoed around the area around you. but one stood out. it sounded different almost hollow like but not as heavy.
"yes sir"
It was ren. in short moments you regained ur consciousness and you refocused on things around the quarters. It has one black chair with a light next to it, on the opposite side was a bed.
"y/n what have you been doing these past days?"
his voice was stern and harsh. looking at him was already freighting.
"s-sir I was just wanting time to myself is that too much to ask?"
stumbling over your words was not a good look especially after all you have been through to avoid him.
"aww look whos stumbling over their words, so obviously it was more than just a "time to yourself"
he was right. No matter how much he pissed you off every thought of his turned lewd. almost in every situation, it was him filling your head. even right now you wished to be under him being fucked brainless only being able to say his name.
"no sir it was just that"
he smirked under his mask and walked towards you, still paralyzed all you could do is look at him. his right hand waved over your face freeing you from the paralyzation. but his hand quickly drifted to the side of ur face moving the hair what fell beside ur eyes on your soft skin.
"hearing your thoughts just makes me want to do things but I did not bring you here just so I could fuck you, but it might be nice afterward as a reward maybe? but only if you cooperate"
shit, you forgot about that, if he has heard your thoughts then he knows exactly what. oh no uh.
"let me sit up and maybe ill hear out your offer"
he moves and helps you to sit up, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and placing your hands behind you so you lean slightly back helping you gaze up at Kylo. he positioned himself between your legs and picked your chin up with his thumb then running it over your lips.
"This is what's going to happen, princess, you are going to stop avoiding me, train with me, and help me rule the system. now of course we can differ the offers a bit and come to a shared agreement if you need but it isn't too much to ask for. Oh and you will be living in my quarters as if you are going to be mine you will be only allowed near me during private hours"
your eyes widen after understanding his words and you look at him with puppy eyes. you wanted to agree and be his but there was something in you that wanted freedom you fought so hard to be free yet now you submitting to him.
"I'm fine with that but I want my own training times as well and your 'quarters' will need decorating its honestly so boring and needs style."
he smiled and nodded signaling he agreed to what you said.
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Fanfictionā„ Źøįµįµ įµŹ³įµ įµ āæįµŹ³įµįµĖ” į¶ā±įµā±į¶»įµāæ įµāæ į¶Ź°įµāæįµŹ³ā±Ė”Ė”įµ ā½į“·ŹøĖ”įµ į“æįµāæ'Ė¢ Ź°įµįµįµ įµĖ”įµāæįµįµā¾ Ź·Ź°įµāæ įµŹ°įµ Ė¢įµįµŹ³įµįµįµ Ė”įµįµįµįµŹ³ Ź°ā±įµĖ¢įµĖ”į¶ Ź³įµįµįµŹ³āæĖ¢ įµįµ įµŹ°įµ įµĖ”įµāæįµįµ Ź°įµ Ė¢Ź·įµŹ³įµ įµįµ įµįµĖ¢įµŹ³įµŹø. Źøįµįµ į¶įµįµį¶Ź° Ź°ā±Ė¢ įµŹøįµ,įµāæįµ įµŹ°įµ įµāæā±įµŹ°įµĖ¢ įµį¶ į“æįµāæĖ¢ įµŹøįµĖ¢?! . įµŹ³Źøā±āæįµ įµįµ įµĖ¢į¶įµįµįµ įµŹ°įµ įµĖ”įµāæįµįµ įµįµį¶ įµŹ³įµ į¶įµįµįµįµŹ³įµ Ź·įµ...