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Dove's Pov
It's been awhile since I seen Ariana. She's one of my best friends even though she's been doing bullshit lately. So I decided to check up on her. Liz told me that she's usually at home.
She's apparently locks herself in her room all day. Which is odd. Ari used to be so ongoing and would be adventurous. Some things bothering her.

I decided to come around her house anyways. Maybe, I could help her out. She probably has a lot on her mind. Her whole situation with Billie and Melanie. It's really hectic. I'm not into being a bad person no more. That's the old me. I use to fall into Ari's bad habits. She manipulated me into doing shit for her.

I honestly don't know why I'm still her friend. But I've been pretty lonely nowadays. I texted her that I was coming over. Before I could even knock or ring the bell she opened the door. I don't know if she seen me through a window or what. "How'd you...", I said confused. "I've seen you come from my window", she said sofly.

"Uh ok", I said awkwardly. "Yeah", she said. "So it's been awhile since we've spoken to each other, so I wanted to check up on you", I explained her. After I said that she shoved me into her house. "Oh ok", I said as I was confused. "What was that all about?", I asked her.

"Sorry, I just haven't had a chance to speak to anyone in awhile, I got excited", she elaborated. "Well that's pretty sad", I said with my hands in my back pocket. "Yeah it is, let's go my room", she said as she guided me there. "Ok", I said as I followed her.

Ariana Pov
I've been going through a lot secretly.  I conceal my feelings cause nobody cares. Since I'm viewed as the bad guy. My parents are too focused with their jobs. My few friends don't even speak to me like that. I mean they text me here and there. But it's never a deep conversation. I'm scared to even say something sometimes. I was actually happy that Dove wanted to come over.

I'm even more happy that she said she wanted to check up on me. That made me feel important. Even a little bit. "So what did you want to talk about?", I said as we finally made it to my room. "Well, how are you feeling?, Liz told me that you just stay locked in, you're not usually like that", she explained.

"I mean yeah there's nothing for me to do, everyone hates me, I miss going out and having fun with my friends", I explained to her. "Well, let's do some thing", she suggested. "I can't", I said as I looked down. "Why?", she asked. "Well, the world hates me I don't want to go out, I miss going out but I just ugh", I said as I struggled to explain myself.

"Take your time", she stated. "I gave myself a bad reputation over a girl that I was obsessed with, we're clearly not meant to be, I don't know if I moved on, I just..., I just don't feel loved", I said as my eyes became teary. "Ari, I love you, and I'm sure your friends does as well, and your family", she said.

"Doesn't feel like it", I said. "Well sometimes the people we love may not state that they love us or show it, but deep down inside they do, it's confusing", she explained. "I guess it's true", I said softly as I wiped my tears. I had my knees tucked in my chest.

"Now, go get dressed we're going to have some fun", she demanded. "Ok!", I said as I jumped off my bed and went to my closet. "I'll wait downstairs", she said as she left my room. "Ok", I said with an excited tone. I haven't been out in a few months. I was happy that I was going out again.

Liz Pov
I haven't spoken to Ari because of her crazy side. Dove asked about her, so I just told her what I knew. I just been focused on school and being Noah's girlfriend. I wish Ari the best but from a distance. I'm pretending as if I filed an restraing order or something.

She's just a lot to handle. I never knew a blue eyed blonde will make her go with crazy. Billie isn't the best either. That woman doesn't even know who she wants. She's been playing Melanie and Ari this whole time. The real victim is Melanie. She's caught up in a love triangle.

But anyways sooner or later it's going to be me and Noah's one year anniversary. I'm trying to plan for that day. I don't know what I'm going to do just yet. I'm really in love with her. Knowing her she probably already has something planned. She's really sweet and all. I guess I will thing about something soon.

to be continued...

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