Epilogue II

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Xiaorui POV

I laughed as Feifei pouted, getting into the carriage with me as we were preparing for our journey south.

"I don't even speak their language, how am I to marry a man there?" She asked, folding her arms as she pouted again. "Stop laughing, Ge, it's not funny!"

"Do you think I understand the tongue if the people I'm traveling to? I'm just as nervous as you are." I replied, causing her to look up in surprise. "I know, me being nervous does not sound possible. But, trust me, I'm always nervous when I have to let you out of my sight, both of you."

She ruffled Zhennan's hair, causing him to whine. I let out a soft chuckle, staring at the two of them as if they actually were my children instead of my siblings.

I watched them as they slept, the long journey tiresome for their small frames. It made me smile that I could travel with them on my way to my new place of residence.

The journey for Feifei came to an end, and we all greeted the King of Joseon and the prince to marry her. Zhennan was excited to see a boy his age there as we were preparing for the wedding, making me laugh as they became best friends over the time period we are there, not even worrying about the language barrier as they both played the same games.

I gave her away to the prince, who was blushy and shy as he stuttered out his excitement in broken Mandarin. Feifei smiled and laughed, finally at peace with her new home when she repeated the words back to him in broken Korean.

After the journey over the sea, Zhennan and I arrived at the palace in Kyoto. We were greeted by the newly appointed King, who was near my age.

"Greetings. I am Hirota Ryo. You are Zhang Rui?" He asked, earning a nod and a bow from me as I bid my hellos to him.

"I see. You were supposed to marry my sister, but she, unfortunately, had a weak heart and left this world before you arrived. We couldn't get a message to you, my deepest apologies." He told me, making me laugh. "Why is this a humorous matter to you?"

"My Lord, it is because I found it funny that a message was not delivered. I was in Joseon for three months before traveling here, and even then my brother did not send a message my way." I explained, earning a laugh from him.

"I see, that is a matter worth laughing over." He replied, calming himself down. "I can still use you as a representative if you'd like to stay."

"I didn't plan on returning at any time near," I told him, earning a smile from him. "I hope we can be good friends for the time I am a resident here."

One Year Later

I let out a soft moan as he held me against the wall of his bedroom, his lips attacking my neck to the point that I couldn't breathe. His hands were masterful at stripping me of my garments, a habit we knew so well.

"Rui, I'm happy you didn't flee the first time I kissed you." He softly said, pausing to look at me with hooded eyes, the man before me already drunk on his lust as he laid me down upon his bed.

"Ryo, I thought I was alone in the world until I met you," I replied, making him chuckle as he sat up to remove his garments.

"You'll never be alone, as long as I live." He softly said, kissing me again.

Our marriage was just as fancy as Feifei's was, the splendor and the feast lighting up the rooms for all to see. Zhennan was excited to be a Prince of Japan after the marriage, making me laugh as the boy did his best to learn the ways of the land he was to be raised in as my son rather than my nephew.

I was very excited to tell my brother the news, but I decided to surprise him with it the next time we visited one another, which would most likely be at the next Imperial Banquet that Ryo and I were invited to.

The months passed and we finally traveled back to my home, Ryo happily watching me as I excitedly explained the sights along the journey.

I greeted the King and the Crown Prince with a smile on my face, making them happy. It had been too long since they last saw a smile on my face. It made Ryo smile as well, seeing how close I was to my family.

"Rui ge, I didn't know that you felt that way about men." Xiaofu softly stated, looking down in embarrassment. "I kept telling you how great those women looked, and yet you never swayed. I'm so sorry for not noticing."

"Xiaofu, it's alright. I didn't know either if I'm being honest. But all those moments in the past suddenly made sense the moment I realized." I replied, chuckling as I glanced at my lover, who was smiling and talking to Yixing about their nation's goods and prides.

"If he is the king, though, shouldn't he have a way to bear children?" He asked, making me look back to him. I saw he had a genuine concern for the nation I was married into, and it made me chuckle again.

"This is true, but we made an appointment of an official to help us adopt as many of the orphans in the country as we can. They will be the sons and daughters of the King, and they will be raised to take the throne when the time comes, just as we were." I explained, earning a smile from him as he jumped up and down, excited for my intentions.

"Edo is so much nicer of a country. They do not look down on such a relationship, but rather celebrate it?" He stated, giggling as I nodded in approval.

"I mean, I guess we don't necessarily call it a disgrace, but we do require a wife as well to make heirs." I looked to him in confusion, earning a chuckle from him. "I don't feel that way, but I read up on the laws of the land to become king, remember?"

"Ah, that," I replied, laughing.

I knew we both finally found happiness, and that our mother was smiling down on us from the heavens as she blessed us with peace.

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