Chapter 15

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"Jack why the heck do you need another pull over? Your whole closet is filled with only pull overs." I laughed as Jack pressed a orange pull over against his chest and posed in the body mirror that the store had. He looked at me blankly before sticking his tongue out. "Because you always steal them from me and because the tour bus is always cold." He shrugged as he threw the pull over on his shoulder. Guess his taking it.

"How about you go look for something to buy? Yes." Jack smiled as he pushed me lightly towards the girls department. I sighed before looking back at him then walked over to a rack of long sleeves.

"Oh these one is cute." I whispered to myself as I took the white long sleeve that had lavender flowers all over off the rank. I walked around the department picking up a few pieces of clothing so I can buy. I am currently at the sunglasses area trying on most of the glasses and making faces in the face mirror they had.

"Hey that's Jack Frost girlfriend right?" I heard a loud whisper from behind me. I turned my head a bit and looked over my shoulder and noticed two of the works looking at my direction. I pressed my lips together and pretended I couldn't hear them.

"Ugh She's not even that pretty like she is a solid 4 compared to the other girls." One of the girl snored as I heard the other giggle. I pulled off the sunglasses from my face and played with then as I continued to listen to their conversation.

"She such a bitch for making Jack suffer. Dude she probably forced him into the relationship cause like come on how can a hot guy like him so with..Her?" The girl laughed as she walked away to work on another rack of cloths. This reminds me of how everyone acted when Jack first exposed our relationship. Fans were not happy at all. They made up rumors saying I threatened to kill him to be in this relationship. Some people told me to kill myself cause I was a no body and Jack deserved better.

Some fans even blocked Jack from twitter because he was hiding our relationship but he said he could careless. Things got worse when we were the face of magazines saying this was just a fake relationship. I was treading on twitter but it wasn't good cause it was #Elsaisoverparty. There was in petitions for me to kill myself!

Things did die down a bit when Jack posted a long paragraph saying why we had decided to keep it a secret for so long and how everything was 100% real. Some fans actually understood and say i'm living my dream life and other well they still hate me.

"Ma'am if your not gonna buy then you can put then down instead of starring at the floor like a lost bitch- I mean dog." A female voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at her and it was one of the girls that was just talking about me a few seconds ago.

"I uh Okay" I stuttered and placed then back on the glasses rack. "So dumb." The girl mumbled to herself which I heard clearly. "Excuse me?" I spoke as the girl just laughed and nodded her head no.

I opened my mouth to speck but I was cut off as I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist hugging me from behind. I gasped and quickly looked at the person. It was just Jack. "hm babe those are pretty. Get them." He spoke as he rested his head on my shoulder. A loud gasp came out of the girl who was now looking at Jack.

"Oh my god Your Jack Frost." She whispered as she looked at Jack starstruck. I pressed my lips together before pushed Jack off of me and grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the girl before he can speck.

"I think I ready to pay Jack." I whispered as I looked down at my feet and stood in front of Jack.

"Hey whats wrong snowflake?" He spoke as he picked up my chin so I could look at him. "Ill tell you later. Can we just pay and get out of here please." I faked a smile as Jack nodded his head no and looked at me waiting for me to answer his question.

I sighed "Those girls over there were saying how I'm not good enough for you and I'm forcing you into this relationship." I looked at him as anger filled his eyes. He quickly pulled the clothes from my arms and rushed over to the check out section where the two girl were giggling as they stared at Jack in awe as I hide behind him.

They begin scanning the clothes as Jack pulled out his card. "I'm a big Fan." One of the girls smiled as Jack who looked at her in disgust making her smile drop.

"Next time you call someone ugly and a bitch you should look in the mirror. Both of you. Hm also I should talk to the owner of this store don't you think baby?" He looked at me smirking. He grabbed the bags. "Better start looking for a new job ladys." He smiled before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the store.

"Jack your not really going to talk to the owner right?" I looked up at him as he just started laughing. "Of course I am! I'ma tell my mom to call she is friends with the owner." He grinned.

"Jack no i'm going to feel bad." I stopped in my tracks making Jack stop as well. He gave me a small smile and cupped my face. "Do you think they felt bad when they talked bad about you? No they didn't so you shouldn't either." He quickly placed a kiss on my forehead. I bit my lip and nodded in agreement. "Right." I whispered.


"I'm tried!' I huffed as I placed the heavy shopping bags on the dinner table of the boys house. "Hey Best friend!" Flynn and Hiccup yelled in unison as they ran downstairs. They glared at each other before pushing each other like kids. "Fuck off shes my best friend!" Flynn yelled as he ran over to me and hugged making hiccup cross his arms pouting.

"Elsa tell him i'm your best friend!" Hiccup pointed at Flynn as he stuck out his tongue. I laughed and pushed Flynn away. "Ha your both wrong. My best friend is Tadashi!" I yelled as I skipped to the coach and sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder.

"Ha losers!" Tadashi laughed as the other two boys started fake crying and hugging each other. These boys are weird.

Jack walked over and sat next to me laughing at the behavior of the boys. "You two are to close and I don't like it." Jack spoke as he quickly pulled me on top of his lap making me yelp in surprise. His arms wrapping around my waist keeping me in place and buried his face in my neck and placed a quick kiss on my neck.

"You guys are gross" kristoff commented as he pretended to gag. I smiled and lend back on Jack to get more comfortable. "I wouldn't be talking Kristoff. You and Anna aren't so innocent." Jack looked up at him with a smirk as kristoff got red and threw us a pillow.

"Shut up." He mumbled and lend back on the coach as his dog jumped on him lap.

"Anyways y'all ready for the song to drop tomorrow?" Tadashi spoke as he took a sip on coffee. Why the heck is he drinking coffee at 8:30 at night?!

"Hello yes!" Flynn yelled and popped down next to kristoff. "I am!" Hiccup laughed as he took a sit of me which hurt, probably hurting Jack more. We are stacked up now.

"Hiccup get your fat ass off of us." Jack groaned making everyone laugh.

"Bet you love my ass Jack." He smiled making everyone laugh again. I smacked the back of his head and pushed him off.

"Fine I'm sure Merida will appreciate my ass." He pouted and pulled his phone.

"You guys have a weird friendship." I laughed.


A/n I feel like updating again lol ima work on another chapter maybe

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