Chapter 1

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-3 years ago-

"Babe you won't believe what me and the guys are gonna do!" yelled my boyfriend of six months, Jack Frost, as he attacked me with a hug.

I laughed at how excited he was as he pulled away and started waving his hands in excitement.

"So we are gonna make a band! All five of us, Hiccup, Flynn, Kristoff, Tadashi, and me! We already got a manager and we have a name. And you won't believe but we made a cool song last night!" He grabbed my shoulder and started shaking me as I just looked at him confused.

"How the heck did you all do that in a matter of three days? But I'm happy for you! I'll support you no matter what." I smiled as I pulled him into a hug.

"Just imagine els, one day we will travel the world in a world tour, changing people's lives, and much more and you'll be right by my side." Jack smiled as he imagine how the future will be. We walked side by side as we walked to the park.

"If you become famous. I kinda don't want your fans to know. I don't want to get hated on because I'm dating the hottest guy out there." I smiled as I looked at the ground.

"If that what's you want love then I'm make sure we keep it on the low." He grabbed my hand and ran towards the ice cream truck while dragging me behind.

-Present day-

I hopped on to my bed and rolled on my stomach grabbing my phone in the process. I glanced at the lock screen and smiled at a picture of Jack on stage smiling at all his fans.

He looks so happy and I'm so proud of him. It's been three years since they started their band. It was a ruff start but then from one day to the next one of there songs hit number one and from that day on they have been growing each day!

They have toured around America for the past two years and this year they are on their first world tour.

It's crazy to think that so many girls want my boyfriend. Well he is known as then 'single' one in the band so many girls are always trying to get his attention which I don't mind because it was my choice to keep our relationship low.

Sometimes I do regret my choice because I just want to be abled to post him and go places with him but it's for the better. I don't get hate like the other girls that are dating the boys.

Well they don't get to much hate do to having fans before they even meet the boys but what are they gonna think about me? They are gonna think I'm a clout chaser because I don't have those titles like the other girls. Like come on Rapunzel who is dating Flynn is a model! Merida who is dating Hiccup is a professional athlete! Honey lemon who is dating Tadashi is a model and a scientist! And Anna who is dating kristoff is a singer! And me? I'm literally nothing. Like come on I only have 762 followers on instagram as the other girls have more then 1 million.

I'll get hate left and right. Don't want that. Don't need that.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone started ringing. I looked at my phone and Jack's face was showed signaling he wants to FaceTime.

I smiled as I pressed the answer button.

Jack was eating cereals as he tried to smile and waved his hand at the phone. I giggled and waved back, turning so I can lay on my back.

He sallowed his cereals before he smiled widely and spoke.

"Hey pretty girl! I miss you!" Jack's smiled widely again as he took another spoonful of his cereals.

"Hey love, I miss you too! So what's on your to do today?" I laughed as Flynn came into the flame and smacked Jack in the back of the head, which Jack groaned and shot him a glare.

"Hey Elsie!" Flynn smiled before walking out of the frame.

"Hi" I said quickly as Jack looked at before looking away from the camera and threw a cereal to I'm assuming Flynn.

"Anyways we are in New York today actually, we are gonna preform on the today show! Which is crazy!" Jack yelled in excitement as the sound of 'yeah let's go' echoed in the background.

"That's great babe! I'll be watching so don't do something stupid." I laughed as he scrunched his nose and raised one of him eyebrows.

"Me? Do something stupid? Pfff never." He shook his head and smiled once again.

"Anyways we are heading home for a two day break after this, so I finally get to see you after two months love!" He spoke as he took another spoonful of cereals.

"That's great! I can't wait. We can cud-"

"Oh shoot I got to go love! We have to go get ready. I'm sorry I'll call you later. Love you bye!" He stuffed the more cereals in his mouth really fast and waved goodbye as he ended the call not leaving me any time to reply.

"Love you too." I whispered to myself as I threw my phone to the side of me.

Secret Lover (Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now