Ashton Irwin: America? part 2

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Over the past few days you have recived hundreds of texts and un answered phone calls from your now ex-boyfriend Ashton Irwin of 5 seconds of summer. you broke up after he had planned on moving you both to America, LA to be exact, for the pourposeof the band. It was all he band had ever dreamed of but nothing you had ever thought of. You had been staying in a htel just ten miuites down the road from the flat you and Ashton owned in Sydney. Every now and agin you saw him walk past, it broke your heart to see but not be with him. He always looked so down, sloppy clothing and head hung low.

Now it was exactly one week untill thy left. You had a side of the bed resered next to Ashton's in that house they would all son be moving into. There had been a few times you caught yourself thinking about what it would be like to move to America with them. How you would be able to see the sights and make new friends. But you never wanted to leve your family whom you were close to. Never a week would go by that you didnt see each other.

The loud clock on the hotel room wall ticked again signlling ht it was four o'clock. that was the time Ashton would walk by every day. Without thinking about it you ruhed from the bed where you had sat to the open window.

The exact same time an the exact same postion. Ashton was walking past hands in his pockets and head hung looking at the ground kicking the same stone he did he did the day before. Before you knew it you were shouting his name out of the window.

"ASHTON!" his name easily rolled of your tounge even though you hadn't said it in days. it almost came as a welcomed releif to say what had been running through your head, just his name. Ashton. Ashton. Ashton. Ashton. As if it was taunting you. His head snapped up as soon as the sound hit his ears. His hair was flopping down his forehead not held back by hid bandana or styled out of his eyes. His eyes went wide a the sight of you hanging out of a third floor widow shouting his name in your pajamas hair a similar style to his.

"Y/N?" He stuttered. he ran forward to the fence arounf the hotel in an attempt to get closer to you. "P-plese come hoe, I miss you and I am so sorry I shouldnt have tried to forse you. I love you so much Y/N." Even from up on the the window the tears that fell free from his eyes were so visable and crushed your heart with ever tear that slipped down his perfect face.

"I-i miss you too." you called back to the broken face of the one whom you love most. He was gripping the wooden slates of the fence his knckles visebly witening even from the distance you were at. "i am sorry, i shoul have thought about it before I blew up like that!" you told home truethfully. To be honest when you said that you decided then what you want to do. To anyone else you both must have looked like nutters, one perso hanging out a window shouting and another almost climbing the fence shouting back. it might have been humrous to them or maybe a little bit crazy but your heart was welling and tears were brimmng in your eyes. It was almost like Romeo and Julliet minus the death you thought to yourself.

"Please come home." he spoke quiter, hope was lassed in the words and suspence on his face. Nodding you spoke.

"Im coming down, left me grab my stuff." You spoke. Turning around you looked down at the long, baggy and fluffy pajama pants and baggy top of Ashtons you keep since it smelt like hi. Shrugging and dissmissing the outfit choice you through everything in thr backack you had and ran back to the window where shton was still hanging onto the side of the fence. A worker came up behinde him tapping his shoulder to gain his attenction. Ashton turned arund just as the hotel employee spoke.

"Sir yo need to get down this is private property." He spoke very proper as he requested that Ash got now. He looked up to the window where you were atchng as his face turned bright red. you laughed for the first time since leavig him.

"you need to get down so you dont get arrested. We need to catch that flight next week." you said when he startedetting down which stopped him in his tracks.

"YOUR COMING?!" He shouted climbing back up to get a better veiw of you huge smile and glistning eyes. You nodded your head siling even bigger at his exitment and enthusiasm. The hotel employee did no see the bright side to it though.

"Get down or I will call the police." He spoke sternely. Ashtons face didnt let the exitment go he just let go of the fence jumping back to the ground.

"I love you Y/N! Thank you so much! You wont regret this! I love you!" Hs smile lit up the small street you were looking out on. His eyes were wide and wild dancing across your face which you could only imagine looked similar to his.

America. You thought. Couldnt be that bad.

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