how long has this been going on, percy ?

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Oh my gods! Really! Luke?

Of all the people she could have hung out with she chose Luke??? Is she doing this to get back at me for wanting to hang out with drew? Is she that vain?

My inner voice said "hold up, she is just your friend and she had first asked you whether you wanted to hang out since you refused she has the right to hang out with anybody she wants and why did you refuse it if you wanted to hang out with her"

I contemplated that in my mind for a bit. Its not like were like super close friends and I don't hate her but the reason I refused was that I wanted to hang with wise girl and play heroes of Olympus.

It's not because I like wise girl better than annabeth. It's just that I haven't been playing heroes ever since I met annabeth and It feels like wise girl and I are drifting apart from each other and I don't want that to happen as she is one of my true friends though she might have not seen me in real life.


You guys wanna know how mission: reconnect with wise girl is going? I can honestly tell you that It going super shitty.

So far wise girl has not answered a single text and she is also not online and she is always online around this time. It's like she is avoiding me.

Oh great! I have hurt annabeth's feelings and made wise girl hate me. Great job percy your a true friend!

I was so bored playing heroes of Olympus without wise girl. It's just not the same without her. I really wished I had said yes to annabeth when she asked me whether I wanted to hang out with her.

I thought of calling Jason, leo or Frank. But I know that I Jason and Frank will be at basketball practice and leo would be well doing something leoey like flirting with calypso or working in his dad's mechanic shop.

So by now I was just staring at the previous conversations that wise girl and I had. I was about to shut my laptop down and start doing homework (I can't believe that came out of my mouth what are you doing to me wise girl??)

I heard the door to my room open and I quickly shut my laptop rather forcefully. When I turned I saw a confused and curious calypso.


She crossed her arms in front of me and said "what are you doing?" I replied "nothing! I was just checking my email" and I added "what are you doing here?"

She rolled her eyes in a way that said "I can't believe you forgot" she said "I can't believe you forgot we just talked about this like during math!" I said "do you really think I pay attention during math?"

She said "I was absent yesterday remember? And you said that you would lend me your notes" I distinctly don't remember saying that. She continued "anyway what that that really doing on the laptop?"

Bah! I thought we dropped that matter. I said "like I said I was checking my mail" she gave me a look that said "you really wanna play that game huh?"

She said "then tell me what was the last mail you received and what was it about" I said "that's private!" We then got into an intense staredown which I lost. I said "fine! It was from annabeth"

I don't know why I said her name when I don't even have her mail Id!!!!! She said "then if I open your laptop she would be the first name that I would see?"

Before I could stop her she opened the laptop and I said "you got me I wasn't really mailing annabeth I was actually chatting with my friend wise girl who I met though a game"

"wow, I never would have guessed that" she said her voice dripping with sarcasm.

And she sighed and continued "look percy, I know it's none of my business but I humanly request you not to meet that wise girl who I know is obviously insanely attractive and all but listen to me. I know you don't know me that well but you gotta listen to me it's for your own sake"

I said "why? I'm not attracted to her or anything but why don't you think I should meet her?"

She said "let me tell you a story"

She sat on my bed and sighed. She started "3 years ago I was really into this game called the battle of labyrinth and I really obsessed with it. In the game I was really good friends with this guy called George. We wanted to meet each other in real life so we did it. "

She continued "at first it was all fine and we had a lot of fun and then both of us started to develop feelings for each other and started to date. Then things went downhill. At first he became possive of me but I didn't think anything about it. George then stared to became jealous of all my guy friends and was convinced that I was cheating on him"

She sighed and said "all in all it ended very poorly and I ended up swearing off love forever" I said "that is never going to happen between me and wise girl. For starters both of us are not into each other and I don't think we even live in the same state and she is super careful about personal information and I'm sure she does not want to meet me"

She just said "I'll admit I know nothing about your 'wise girl' but just be careful I don't want you to go through what I went through"

She stood up and went to the door. She said "thank you for the notes" and as though she was skeptical about saying but she went through with it anyway and said "if your as close to her as you claim then the both of you will wanna meet and at that time remember my advice"

Well that was grim.

Now I know why wise girl freaks out when we talk about something personal. She doesn't want to get hurt. She doesn't want anyone to calypso her. I know one thing for sure wise girl will never want to meet me.

I Don't Even Know Your Name. (Percabeth Au)Where stories live. Discover now