he knows dirty secrets that i keep. does he know its killing me? he knows

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This chapter shouldn't have happened but it did so enjoy! I would like to apologize for whats about to come. So ah don't hate me and the next chapter will be up soon.

Totally unrelated but the lyric of i know what you did last summer just called me so I added it though its not very suitable for the chapters. Then again I don't care.


I chased after calypso and tapped her on the shoulder. Before she could say anything I silenced her with my index finger and dragged her to a deserted corridor.

When I was sure we were alone I turned to her and released my hold on her.

She frowned at me and said "if you're trying to kidnapp me, let me just tell you this is a pathetic attempt. What you don't know about me is that I have a black belt in karate"

To prove her knowledge she took a stance that said that she was here on her own account and that she could escape if she wanted to.

"As much as I want to see your karate skills that's not why I'm here"

She huffed in indignation "believe me honey you don't want to see my mad karate skills"

I put my hands up in a 'i surrender don't beat the shit out of me gesture'

She crossed her hands in front of her chest and said "so than why are you here?"

I looked at the ground and said "I uh wanted to apologize for accidentally accusing you of being a spy" I looked up and I thought that she would be surprised or something. Instead she looked at me smugly.

She smirked. "Took you long enough. What made you realize that I was in fact innocent? Was it the call logs or the fact that I don't even have his number?"

I grumbled "no need to rub it in you know"

She rolled her eyes "whats the point of being right if you can't even rub it in. Way to take the fun out of everything"

I looked at her hopefully. "Does that mean that I'm forgiven?"

She said "well................no" and started to walk away.

Wait what?

I pulled her back into the corridor. I looked at her incredulously. "Woah, hold your horses we're not done yet. What do you mean no?"

"Exactly that"


"You just come out of nowhere and accuse me of being a spy for no apparent reason. After being proven wrong decide to ignore me and then a week after you accused me you come and are Like 'I apologize. Friends?' Its not that easy to forgive and forget"

I sighed "what do you want me to do?"

She thought for a while before she answered "I want three things. Scratch that four things"

"Only four? My it must be my lucky day"

"Shut up"

"Is that the first thing?"

"I really don't know how your friends put up with you."

"If you think its hard to put up with me try spending some time with Leo. He will definitely drive you crazy"

"Anyway, first I want to know what Luke said. Second tell me all about you and Rachel. Third talk to Annabeth. Fourth you're paying for my lunch for a week"

I groaned. I gonna be bankrupt. Bye bye, sweet pocket money. Hello bankruptcy.

I feel like I'm in a game of monopoly and I just landed in calypso's hotel.

I sighed. "Alright then, its gonna take a while"


"Wow, he is one smart bitch. You walked right into his plan. What did he mean by 'I have been waiting for this moment for years. I get immense pleasure in tormenting you' ?"

This was calypso's reaction to my encounter with Luke. We're currently sitting in a cafe slurping on milkshakes (we got kicked out of the library. Don't tell Annabeth she'll kill me)

Her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. She turned to me.

"How did he know about wise girl. If you have only told me and you bet your bottom dollar that wise girl has not told anybody then how did he find out about you being seaweed brain?"

I shrugged. "Not to defend myself or anything, thats why I thought it was you"

She acted as though she had not heard me. "What do we know about Luke?"

"Nothing really. That guy is an enigma."

She pulled out her phone and went into Facebook, then Instagram and and last twitter. "Hmm he is not there on any social media platforms. This guys is a literal ghost. All we know about him is that he likes fencing"

She put up her hands in frustration. I was about to ask her to give up when something hit me. (Figuratively not actually)

I tuned to her. My excitement apparent in my eyes. "The day we went to Chinatown we ran into his friend silena. They were whispering something the whole time"

She brightened. "Thats awesome! We atleast have a lead. Don't worry I'll look into her"

"How? I don't have her number. For crying out loud I don't even know her surname!!!"

(Thought I was gonna type i don't even know her name weren't you? Don't worry I'm not that cliché. Who am I kidding I'm the epitome of cliché)

Calypso sighed. "Dont worry, I know a guy"


I sat on my bed. Talking to calypso did help but it wasn't enough. I was dying to talk to wise girl but something was stopping me.

I chucked the phone on the bed and buried my face in my hands. I felt very angry. It was all wise girls fault. If she had not been so hung up on the no personal information then we might not be in this situation."

My subconscious said "how is this wise girl's fault? We don't know for sure if she told Luke. Besides why do you want to get to know her even more that you already do? You have a girlfriend after all"

My mind was full of what if's but the most important what if of all was 'does she know that I'm seaweed brain?"

An obsurd what if came to me. What if Luke is wise girl?

My brain said "why do you care? Do you Want to meet her and have your heart broken by her? Just like calypso?"

I do care though that's the weird thing. I do care a lot actually. I may not know everything but her but from what I know she is a very nice person and would never hurt me.

If Luke knows that I'm seaweed brain then he might know wise girl's identity and for all I know secrecy is very importantbittersweet could be blackmailing her as well for all I know. I brushed that thought away.

I refuse to let him hurt her. i refuse to let him arm twist her as he did to me. She is the only person who has been a good friend to me when I had no one.

I will not let wise girl become a liability. She will not be caught in the crossfire between me and luke.

With bittersweet emotions I logged into heroes of Olympus after a long time to do the one thing that I dreaded.

I Don't Even Know Your Name. (Percabeth Au)Where stories live. Discover now