evertime i look at you......i have this sudden urge to kill you

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To my good friend brentrivera716 who is kind and super selfless doofus who is always ready to hear my shitty stories and is always curious about the end


Percy seemed to online right now so he sent me a message


You mean as friends? Also when?

I reread what I sent and oh shit it sounds like I'm asking him out which I'm not so i thought of a quick lie to cover up my ulterior motives


Oh god! I'm not asking you out that would be weird no actually I have a plan to get piper and jason together and It would be odd to just invite jason with us so we're inviting u as well.

Feel free to invite ur friends it would seem like a better cover up. BTW coming Saturday

Why were u hopeful??😏😏

He replied


Oh gods no! I was thinking of ways to let you down easily


Bullshit! We both know that's a lie


No thats the truth but we both know that u were asking me out And this is just a cover up because I'm not interested isn't it? 😏😏


Keep telling urself that


Your not denying it!

You do like me!!


Whatever you need yo tell yourself to sleep at night.

Speaking of night I gotta go to sleep. Good night


Your leaving this conversation caus you know I'm right and that cannot win this


P.s even corona which does not discriminate between people will not attact a slimy scumbag like you so why would I voluntarily like you?

Undesirable no. 1


Undesirable no. 1 do you mean desirable no. 1?


Yeah i don't mean Undesirable no. 1



The great Annabeth agreed with me??


Yeah I'll never agree with you

What I ment was comparing you with Harry Potter is a disgrace....


Yeah im no harry potter, I'm the hotter, sexier , smarter, new and improved.....PERSEUS JACKSON!!!!!!!

I Don't Even Know Your Name. (Percabeth Au)Where stories live. Discover now