Surpresa da Escuridão

726 47 63

Peter POV -

Toquei alguns acordes antes de entrar na música:

- I'll never be a knight in armor without a sword in hand or kamakazi fighters
Don't count on me to storm the barricades and take a stand or hold my ground
You never see in the scars or wounds, to walk on coals i won't walk on water

I am no prince
I am no saint
I am not anyone's wildest dream
But i will stand behind and be someone to fall back on...

Ouvi aplausos atrás de mim. Olhei pra trás. Frank, Hazel e Thomas haviam chegado. Fechei a tampa das teclas do piano e me virei pra eles. Meus pais vinham logo atrás.

- Por favor, não pare, Peter. - Tio Frank disse.

Hazel olhou para o marido.

- Frank tem razão. Faz tempo que não o ouvimos tocar.

Assenti e me virei para o piano novamente, abrindo a tampa.

Voltei a tocar.

- Some comedy, bruised and beaten down
And i am the one who's looking for a favor
Still honestly you don't believe me about the things i have or the things you need
You look at me like i don't make sense
Like a waist of time, like it serves no purpose

I am no price
I am no saint
And if that's what you believe in
Your wrong you don't need much
You need someone to fall back on

Tell me that i need to take your side
If I'm the only one I'm used to that
I've been alone I'd rather be the half of us
Least of you, the best of me

And i will be
I'll be your prince
I'll be your saint
I will go crashin' through fences in your name
I will i swear
I'll be someone to fall back on

I'll be the one who waits
For as long as you let me
I will be the one you need
I'll be someone to fall back on

Someone to fall back on
Someone to fall back on...

Terminei as últimas notas e Hazel suspirou.

Percabeth: Peter Jackson e o LegadoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora