Oneshot #1: Nightmares

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Paris Sat on the Dresser. His eyes closed and is back laid against the wall behind him.



The Puppets eyes snapped open. He wildly looked around but he found nothing but his dear friend, Yumi. In the bed.

"Odd.. I could have sword my name was called.. unless... !!"

He looked over to Yumi and she fidgeted wildly, while mumbling.. his.. his name?? The Puppet quickly jumped off of the dresser and decided he'd walk over to her. He began to shake her. Softly.

"Y-Yumi? Yumi dear- are you alright?"

There was no reply. The only thing heard was her mumbled words.

"Y-Yumi! Y-Yumi- y-your scaring me- wake up!!"

The Puppet shouted. But from the door then opening that must have dragged Nora and Atsuko.

"Is she alright?!"

Atsuko called. Nora  then came in after her.

"What the Hell did you do to my baby!!"

Nora Shouted, grabbing Paris by his suspenders. Paris pushed her away and then turned to Yumi.

"I'm unaware of what's going on. All I know is that .. she might be having a nightmare or.. an unconscious panic attack.. maybe.. I'm not sure.."

Paris said aloud, crossing his arms and he then went into thought.

{Yumi POV}

I walked forward into the dark abyss.



I'm Scared.

I eventually fell to my knees and cried. But I couldn't feel my tears. I then looked up to see him. PARIS!!

"P-Paris!! Oh thank goodness! I-I thought you were-"

His back was turned to me. He was like that when I saw him. But.. his body.. it began to ..



I called. His body cracked more. And he kept tensing up at the pain. But.. he didn't scream.


I shouted. He turned back to me and walked forward.. limping.. I soon ran to him and I sobbed. He laid a soft kiss on my cheek and he smiled.. weakly..

"B-𝙱𝕠nO𝑦Ⓐ🄶🅴... 🇾-𝘂𝙢ĭ̈ 𝘳g҉h҈t͜͡.."

His body cracked into levitating pieces. Like glass. And so did the abyss. I fell. And I didn't stop. I screamed and I cried. Just wanting him to be ok...


I shouted. Screaming it. I sat up wildly out of my bed.

"Y-Yumi calm down!! I'm right here.. see?"

I looked over to him and I hugged him tightly. Even though his body was a cold piece of carved wood. It was still so much worth the


To hug him.

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