Short-Story Royalties✓

77 6 2

A Tribute follow to Rose1677 who wrote this.

Judge: ENCHANTEDmajor.

Participant: thelazylemon.

From: Asia.

Book: Heartstrings.

Score: 92/100

Title - The title is itself unique and very rare. I was amused first reading the title but as soon I peeped in the book, it started having a positive effect on me. Each time I read it, I came to know what really it signifies.

Opening - The first story, was itself inspiring. When I came across half of the chapter, I could feel the pain and an instant longing to know how that woman must be feeling. After knowing that you have to get your left breast surgically removed or in the second chapter where the people who were pointing out the man to be a dirty minded guy and how the crowds mislead him. All these were just awesome, it forced me to read further. Great job for the opening.

Character - Most of the times, I really could feel them, their pain and emotions. The dialogues however didn't seem that real but overall it was very nice.

Plot - the plot of each story was great. It was interesting, it was subtle and most importantly developed an eagerness to read further. Each and every story had a different beginning but ended with a moral that triggered my mindset. It was like I could feel the story. Little points from our daily life that none of us actually seemed to notice have been brought up so beautifully. Each and every paragraph had a sense of truth and a trail of emotion.

Grammar - This was quite astonishing for me. I never thought I would read a perfect grammar book. I looked for errors but I didn't find any. No grammatical errors.


Participant: Words_Do_Matter

From: Asia

Book: You Are My World - OS

Score: 64

Title- the title seemed a bit cliche. Almost every fanfiction book or OS has one such named title. However it was relevant to what the book was about. It was significant to the bond that the book talked about.

Opening - the opening was also kind of cliche and resembled the real story. Tough, written beautifully the dialogues and I felt the cute bond of their relationship. I still thought it to be a little less interesting.

Character- the character seemed real. Their dialogues, their thoughts seemed to have an impact. The way the little kid was speaking the way the mother's thoughts were portrayed, all was very nice.

Grammar - the grammar was overall nice, just a little "if" and "but" at places.

Plot - the plot was one of the cliche stories, I haven't seen the serial but it resembled like it. It wasn't different. I didn't feel a sense of uniqueness. However the environment was well expressed and so were the thoughts of the character.


Participant: ethanchovies

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