Chapter 2

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The first day of the golden week

Rin's POV

On the way to training camp, I sat in between Kuroo and Kenma. Kenma and I were playing on our Nintendos.

"Yes, I won!" I shouted while jumping out of my seat.

The rest of the team stared at me. I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks as they all started laughing. I quickly mumbled an apology and sat back down.

"How did you beat me?" Kenma asks in confusion.

Kuroo looks at me in shock "You beat Kenma, The Kenma in a game." he asks dramatically.

I nodded. I have always been good at games. Kenma and I would play video games while face-timing each other. So we both know what attacks the other person likes using. Kenma and I continued to play until I was feeling sleepy. I yawned and heard victory music from Kenma's Nintendo before I passed out.

I heard someone calling my name. My eyes flutter open and I was face to face with someone. When I looked closer I saw that it was Kuroo. Somehow during my nap, I turned over. Now I was basically on top of him. I let out a small squeak and blushed.

Once we got off the bus and settled in. (Sorry I forgot where they are staying.) I got my own room because I was the only girl. That day the team practiced for hours. Once we put the equipment away, we headed to the dining room to eat dinner.

"Thanks for the food!" we all said before digging in. Since Kenma wasn't hungry, he gave me the rest of his rice.

"Kenma I don't need your rice," I told him.

"You need to eat to grow Rin."

"No, Kenma you need it," I argued.

"Well I don't want it," he said stubbornly. 

"Me neither."

The rest of the team stared at us. Yamamoto was the first person to break the silence. He started yelling at Kenma, telling him not to mess with the team's precious manager. While the others sat in their seats dumbfounded. 

I excused myself and went to change into some comfortable clothes to sleep in. I got my Nintendo and went to the boys' room. There I saw Kenma playing video games. I went up to him and apologized. Then we sat down together playing video games.

Kuroo's POV

The team and I had just finished our dinner and we headed to our room. I walked inside followed by the team. We never thought we would see Kenma and Rin together sleeping peacefully in the same futon. (Remember they are siblings.) 

They had their Nintendos in their hands. So they must have fallen asleep playing video games. I don't know why but for some reason my heart started hurting.

In the end, the team decided to let them sleep. That night I couldn't stop thinking about the possibility that Kenma and Rin could be dating. I'm going to ask Kenma tomorrow. 

3rd person POV 

The next day Rin woke up only to find a group of eyes staring at her. She looked to the side and found Kenma still fast asleep. She wondered what was going on, but then she realized that the team doesn't know Kenma and Rin are siblings.

Kenma's POV 

I heard someone call my name. I guessed it was Rin, so I told her to shut up and go to sleep. But as soon as those words left my mouth, I heard a chorus of gasps. My eyes shot wide open. Then I realized that the team was there. They had shocked expressions. Then it dawned on me, the team doesn't know about me and Rin.

"Why are you two sleeping together?" Yaku asks.

"Yeah, you aren't even dating," Kuroo stated.

"U-umm" I started stuttering. But luckily Rin came to my recuse.

Rin's POV 

"O-oh like I said we are really close. So this is normal for us." I said hoping they will buy the excuse.

" Oh that's understandable," Yaku-San says.

After we sorted everything out, we got ready for the day. I can't wait until the end of the week. I'll finally get to see my friends again.

The day of the practice match

The rest of the week went by quickly. I am so excited to see the guys again, I can't contain myself.

Once the team finished setting up the equipment, we all gathered outside. We lined up and bowed to each other. Then I heard 2 people yelling my name. I recognized them immediately.

"Tanaka! Noya!" I shouted and ran into their arms.

Nekoma, the Karasuno first years and coach Ukai stood there shocked.

"Okay guys, introduce me to the new first years," I said enthusiastically.

Tanaka pointed to a tall dude with glasses. "This is Tsukishima Kei. This is Yamaguchi Tadashi." Pointing to a blue-eyed boy. "This is Tobio Kageyama."

" Oh My God. I know you." I said pointing at him.

"Huh," Kageyama says clearly confused.

"You're the King of the court from Kitagawa Daiichi. I am such a huge fan. I hugged him.

At Kageyama's eyebrows furrowed when he heard his old nickname. But stiffened when I hugged him. Slowly he put his hands around me and hugged me back earning a few glares from Nekoma.

"Don't forget about me." I heard someone shout.

"Oh yeah this is Shoyo Hinata," Noya says pointing to a short, orange-haired boy. 

I immediately let go of Kageyama and squeezed the poor boy in a hug. 

"AWWWWWWWW You're so adorable. Your hair is so soft. And your cheeks are so squishy." I said while hugging him. his face burned red, while I continued to compliment him.

"So what position do you play?" I ask curiously.

"Oh, I play middle blocker." He replied cheerfully.

"OMG really! That's so cool! You know you remind me of someone I admire."

"Who is it?"

"The Tiny Giant"


"Yeah, totally he is so cool. When he spikes it's like BAM ....... "

As the two of you continued your conversation you couldn't help but feel someone staring at you.

Hey guys!

I am so sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Quick heads up, I have to go to school starting this week. So I might not be able to work on the story. But I will try my hardest. Thank you so much for your support! I really appreciate it. I hope you all stay safe.  

See ya! :)

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