Pop! Comes out The Box!

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Oh wooosy. Oh heaaavy. Get up Octavia~ A voice called.
I quickly passed up and took a few seconds to observe my surroundings. A cage like box pushing up wards with a hard screeching metal sound. Fast. More than 20 kilometres. Going faster than ever.

Not the only thing I observe. I look at my reflection in the big sliding metal.
I seen my dark neat curls bouncy and my sharply shaped brows darker than dark.
I'm wearing a flowered bustier with some black jeans and heeled boots that came to my knees.

The sun hit me as the metal like box came to a full stop. I look around, something I can use to protect myself incase something pulled up? No.
I whisper. "Fuck" Hey this is why you trained black belt. This is the time where I'm gonna maybe have to use it.

The box opened and a blond headed boy around my age plopped down.
His eyes whidened and hr called ou. "It's a girl ! Boy's come on"

Then the box being surrounded by boys. Ok. Octavia think. Strategic like.
Boys? Him calling out? I'm the only girl. Seems. It doesn't seem dangerous at all. I don't give a shit. I'm not taking a chance. Its all about the Risk.

I look at the blond hair boy, looks a not scrawny not well built, could easily get past him.

The boys keep whispering and staring down at me like i'm some kind of new gift.

the boy offers his hand, I quickly jump out beside him pushing him through and run towards the brick wall with an openeing.

Some of them watch smirking and laughing.
"Look's like we got a runner boys!" A voice yells out.

I was suddenly grabbed by my wrist by a much buffer and handsomer looking blond headed boy.

I might be tiny weigjt wise and small but i'm strong.
I take his hand and flip him over. Holding him down. Soon his smirk turns into a wondering look.

"What is this place? And why i'm I here?" I ask him very still and sternly holding his neck with my hands and my legs over him.

The boys all come at us. Circling us and a dark skinned guy looking older than me put his hands as a surrender.

"Hey now, were not going to hurt you. If you let him go, we could reason out."

I look at everyone else. They're still starring us down.

He seems quite nice. Ok. Oct, be nice.
I get off of him, and give him my hand. The boy on the ground glares at me and pushes my hand away and gets himself off.

He scuffs and stands by.
"And I guess you've met Gally, he's the Keeper of the Builders. Or so."

I nod eyeing each one of them. He continue's on. "I'm Alby, leader if the tribe you could say. Newt, second leader incase i'm Dorothy "crazy"

I brushed off dirt. "What is this place ?" i ask. "Well, Gally give her a tour around, and don't be a push on" he eyes him.

The stubborn guy scoffs.

"Everybody else, there is a lot of work left to still be done" shouts Newt in a order.

I turn toward Gally. He looks unsatisfied. "What are you waiting for Keeper of the Builders" I tease.

The guys enjoy the laugh. "hey love, he's not so scary uh" winks Newt.

Gally gives me a look with his arms crossed over his chest like a little kid pouting for candy that he's not getting.
I mimic him doing what he does and make a pout face. Then i pull a silly face letting him know i'm joking.

"You're unliked" he said with a annoyed face.

I tilt my head and stick my tongue out.
"Whoever said I liked you?" i smile.
His expression eases.

"Well want a tour around or what?" He snares at me. I slightly giggled.
"yes please Captain Gally" I joke.
He chuckles. Seems like I got a chuckle out of this handsome boy.

He trails off talking about how great he is at building and it turns out to be he likes bossing people around.

These walls seem to be closed in. And people say it's a maze that is yet to be discovered and solved which is why they've been in here for three years.

I walk off from him, not like hens got his eyes on me or anything. Like the other boys always eyeing me. Is it because i'm not wearing a full shirt and my boobs are nicely sized?

Anyhow, Gally keeps rambling on about his work here at the Glade.
"Gally.." i called softly. He doesn't hear me.

I'm still mesmerized about this maze. It can't be that this is maze? I could be wrong. I call his name again. But he doesn't hear me over his rambling.

I gently grab his hand and call him. "Gally.." I stop mesmerizing and look back into reality and Gally's looking back and forth at my hand in his and back at me. Gulping he' grabs his hands slowly back. He looks weirded out.

I giggled at his reaction. "Sorry, i'm just interested in this big wall and all. These incriptions and the way its built. The life style of this living. Cocaisions built this place, it's a creation" I informed in feeling the grass.
He looks at me weirded out. Seems to me like he doesn't know what to say.
Nor do the others starring at me in the distance.
"How long has it been since its rained?"
i questioned him.

He looks at me and back at the sky. "Wait what? What the hell do yo-" I cut him off with a hard snarl.

"When was the last time it rained Gally?" He shrugged.

"Maybe couple of weeks ago! That's all. Why does it matter? Were gonna die here anyway.." He kicks his combats into the dirt and shrugs once again.

I lift my bustier and stop at the crease of my boob. And point at the tattoo. He cover his eyes and turns right away.
I laugh loudly. Causing a lot of people to look.
I move his hands away from his eyes.
"No! look, it's inspiring!" He looks quite confused.

He looks at the tattoo. I show him. "Flower is a represent if strong clarity. And it says "stronger than the less lesser than the more""

He looks at the tattoo, studying it . "We've got touring to do, not stupid useless shuck to waste out time on."

I nodded walking his way. Well Captain Gally have it your way.

He points over to a well sized three branch house. "Medjacks work over there and they take care of the sick an-"
I cut him off again.

He groans. "My name is Octavia. In my tribe they call me Octavia people of the sky. I'm a healer of my tribe in the city and a warrior"

He smiles.

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