Chapter 17

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I slip out of the room. I'm sure people can see the steam coming off me. My parents really just don't understand.

I'm pretty late for dinner, so I head straight there. The room is huge! Tables are everywhere and there is not one space left, kind of like a high school cafeteria. I spot some of the group we came with but I'm looking for Briel.

I see her sitting at the back of the room, Raven right across from her. He says something that makes her clap her hands. I make my way over.

I don't know what to think about Raven. He seems like a chill person but trying to get rather friendly with Briel, and I see she's keeping him at a distance.

"Hey guys." I say slipping into the seat beside Briel. 

"Hey-" And she knows as soon as she makes eye contact.

How? I have no idea.

"Is everything okay?" 

"Ya it's good." I say smiling. She kisses my cheek. 

"I saved you a plate of food." She says sliding a plate over.

"Oh thanks! This is much needed." I immediately dig into the plate. For now, I put my emotions aside. I shove them in a box and bury them 60 ft down. 

"Guess what!" She says smiling and glancing at Raven who's also smiling, "Raven's going to build me a piano! Apparently they don't have one so he's going to start the design."

"It'll take me only a couple of days. But it'll be the best one you've ever played." The corner of his mouth tips up and he continues to eat his food. 



Later me and Matt go to find James and Mackenna. I walk into the room they told me she would be in. 

"Hey Mack!" I say running to her and giving her a hug.

"How's it going out there." She smiles sadly. She sits in the bed James next to her.

"It's okay." I say looking to Matthew, "Raven's going to build me a piano." 

"That's great! Alessandro came by with someone else and told me about the whole abilities thing. They said they'll help me as much as they can but they can't promise sanctuary."

The anger builds up in me again, "I'm so sorry Mackena, if there's anything I can do just let me know." 

"Thanks." And she smiles.

I look towards James, "What have you been up to?" I ask him.

"They gave me a personal camera, and they let me go up and take pictures of the outdoors." He smiles happily.

It gives me joy that the people around me are good. Lately, I feel like a mom. Always making sure everyone's happy and has something to do and are well. It actually stresses me out sometimes. I'm walking through the halls some days and I can't seem to get this strange feeling out of my system. Like we aren't supposed to be here. 

"Briel." I look up from the floor to James.

"Sorry?" I say shaking my head.

"I asked who is Raven?" He says not breaking eye contact with me.

"He works for Alessandro. He's kind of like a super builder. But I don't know. Something's off putting about him." I look around to everyone else, "Anyone else getting that vibe?"

"It seems as though he's really intent on helping others and keeping mostly to himself." Matthew replies.

"It's almost as if he knows everything about us but we don't know anything about him." Mackenna says quietly.

James gets up, "I think it's safer then if we also keep to ourselves. Briel please-"

"Yes James." I say looking him in the eyes, "I know. Stay away from him, don't associate with him don't-"

"Oh come on Bri, I'm not that-"

"Yes." I say not breaking eye contact, "Yes you are. Now I would appreciate it if you would realize that I'm almost an adult and I can also look out for myself." I say quietly. His face softens. He comes and wraps his hands around me.

"Sorry, you're right. I probably just stressed you out more then you need to be. Just know that I'm always looking out for you." He kisses my head. 

I take a deep breath, "Thanks. Well I'm really tired, I'm probably going to bed. Goodnight Mackenna." I flash her a smile then turn and walk out the door.



"I'll go talk to her." I say as James sits in the bed head in his hands. He looks up at me.

"Thank you Matt. She really needs someone right now." I turn and walk after her. She's disappeared. I run to her room and find her curled up in her bed. 

I can feel the pain in the room. I wish I had a vacuum so I could just suck it all out. She looks perfect. The bed makes a dent where her body lays. I come around and wrap my hands around her. She lays her hands on mine.

"Matt why are we here?" She asks quietly.

"We came here for safety Bri."

"Well for some reason I don't feel safe." I get closer, her body moulding into mine. I feel her relax.

"You have many people around you Bri that want to help you and support you. For once in your life, let other people take control. Don't feel like you have to have this all on yourself."

She sighs and her whole body shakes, "I know I'm just not used to this. I hope I'll be able to adjust." She turns around and looks at me with puppy eyes.

"Now it's your turn. What about you Matthew Deep."

"I feel about the same way as you. But now that I know we're together in this, I feel much better about it." I lie.

That's a lie.

And she knows that's not all.

"Alright." Her face droops again. I kiss her nose lightly. "You don't have to worry about me." I would be strong for her. She clutches my shirt and kisses me hard.

"Goodnight Matthew." And with that she's out.

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