Anything for you

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-Georges POV

-No TWs 


I held my finger down on my "W" key as I continuously pressed the space bar. Running around in circles in Minecraft as Dream read a donation out loud. 

"How long have we been streaming?" I said aloud a question asked in my chat, "About 3 hours now. We have different time zones, theres about a 5 hour difference between us." I adjusted my headphones as leaned back in my chair, stretching out my arms and groaning. To this I heard a light chuckle come from Dream. 

"Georgie? What're we up to over there?" He asked in a seguestive way. 

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah right, like I would ever be the type to do that. You would probably do that. And- An- And I know for a fact that you stream without a shirt on most of the time." I yawned in the middle of my words. 

"I live in Florida, what do you expect?" He laughed slightly. I just groaned and hummed in response, closing my eyes and rubbing them. 

 I opened my eyes slightly, looking at my chat. Most of the comments were asking if I was tired, some of them were commenting on the fact Dream called me "Georgie". Dream has always given me little nicknames, he normally doesn't say them on stream or in front of people, granted, theres a few times he's slipped up and called me something stupid in front of someone. 

"Chat, for me it's 2 AM, right? And for Dream it's only 9 PM. Can you believe he makes me stay up till this hour?" I pronounced my words very angrily to add the fact that I was tired and upset. But truth be told, if it weren't for our different time zones Dream would probably stay awake till 5 in the morning. He normally only stays up 1 or 2 hours after I go to sleep, and it works out very well for him. 

Dream laughed at what I had said, a little wheeze huffing out of his chest. He hummed before speaking in a low voice, "Is someone a little sleepy?" he teased. 

I let out a huff of air, "You know I am. And you're just using it against me at this point." I responded in the same calm and low voice he had used. However, my voice isn't as deep as his. 

I placed what I had to in the chest in Minecraft and let go of my keyboard, giving up and resting my hands on my forehead. I let out a groan of exhaustion as I accidentally slammed my elbow on my desk while trying to prop my head up. 

Dream made a small hum before saying, "You know what guys, I think that George is going to pass out. And I have to edit a video so I think we're going to end the stream here." I smiled slightly, he always does this everytime I say I'm tired. He says he has to edit a video or something just so it doesn't seem like he's ending his stream because of me. It's quite cute how he makes sure nobody will think I'm the one at fault. 


He ended his livestream, and I ended mine as well. I was alone in a voice channel with him. All that I heard from Dream's end however was the faint clicking of his mouse and keyboard as he was closing up his computer for the night. 

"George?" He said my name quietly. 

"Clay?" I spoke slightly louder than him, I believe he spoke quietly in hopes that if I fell asleep he wouldn't wake me up. I heard him let out a sigh and I felt him smile even though I couldn't see it. 

"It's always weird to hear you say my name. I've only heard you say it a few times." He sounded like he was adjusting in his seat as he spoke. 

I nuzzled my head in my arms as I looked up at the screen, his player icon right next to mine on my Discord screen. "Weird in a good way?" I questioned him. 

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