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-TW: The feeling of being sad, alone, overworked, and unable to share emotions. They aren't serious themes throughout the story but they are mentioned. (Angst) 

-Dreams POV 


I've always been the type to express my emotions up front to people. Lately I haven't been joining the calls on discord, I haven't streamed in a few days and I recently put out a YouTube video. The video alone was enough for people to enjoy for a little bit, before I had to go back to working all the time. 

It's my job, I love it. I wouldn't want another job. 

But, sometimes it's too much. I just need a break from things, and I know I shouldn't leave without saying anything to my fans. Even without saying anything to my friends, it made me feel like I was being too much. Everyone knows me as a guy who speed runs Minecraft. I never cared much for showing too much emotion on the internet, and, sure when something bothers me online I do talk openly about it on Twitter. The thing that normally "bothers" me is other people's view points. I'm tired of having people say my ego is too high and that I let my fans have all the control over me but I can't help it. 

I think about the previous days of me sitting here, I've edited a video and posted it. I made this video a while ago, just as a back up incase I wasn't feeling up to making one. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. 

I took my hand and placed it on my mouse, scrolling through the comments I read many positive ones. Saying they loved the video, saying that they really like me and my friends' dynamic, just being incredibly nice. But once I got past those it was just either incomprehensible comments written by children, people saying I'm not actually good at the game and should give up, and the same question:

When will you do a face reveal? 

This question I was used to by now, even if I had explained to people I want the moment to be perfect. I don't just want a video of myself being posted of just my face. I want an event, I want something more. 

A loud noise rang through my headphones as I sat there, my eyes slowly drifting towards my second monitor. A message on Discord from George. 

Georgenotfound: I'm going to stream later tonight, wanna join me? :) 

I chuckled slightly, biting my lip and deciding to respond. I looked around at my keyboard before clicking and typing back a response. 

Dream: I'm not sure. Haven't been up to it lately. What're you planning on doing?

George: Just gonna play on the SMP

Dream: I'll come by and say hi 

George: Have you been alright lately? 

I wasn't sure how to respond, I looked down in my lap. Thinking about telling him how I've been lately was like a new territory. We've talked before, just the two of us about personal things but that's always been very late into the night where both of us are feeling a little down. I'm not sure if I'm feeling as vulnerable now. Another notification noise rang through my headphones, distracting me from my thoughts.

George: We can talk about it, on call if you want... I mean I don't have to stream tonight there's always tomorrow night :-)

I smiled, thinking about George always seemed to get me out of a bad mood. I knew I've had feelings for him for a while. He's always been there for me, and I've cared for him as soon as we started talking. After we met on that Minecraft server, I've tried my best to talk to him as much as possible. 

Dream: What time can you call? 

I smiled, feeling my throat clog as I thought about how I would be able to express my emotions tonight. Knowing the person I was talking to would care for me as much as I care for them. A wave of nervousness rushed past me, feeling slight tears prick my eyes. The smile was now just a straight face as I bit the inside of my cheek. 

George: Now Dreamy :)

I let out a deep breath, feeling a single tear roll down my cheek I smiled back at the screen. My room was pitch black, the only light source was my computer. It shined into my eyes and caused a slight blur from the tears bubbling up. 

It will be okay, I can speak to him. He's perfect, but he has times like these just like me. My hand slowly started to shake as I reached towards the mouse and clicked on the button to call him. I heard the jingle begin as I let out a sigh of relief.

After a few seconds I heard that British accent, "Hi Dream!" He sounded cheery. 

I gulped, "Hi George." My voice sounded shaky and not as confident as it normally does. My throat was bubbling up with emotion. 

"Are you alright?" He asked. 

I tapped my finger against my desk, my other hand resting in my lap. I took my eyes away from the computer screen and looking down at my finger. "I posted a video yesterday." I spoke quietly. 

"Yeah, I watched it. We filmed that a while ago didn't we?" He stayed silent for a few seconds then spoke again, "Why did you decide to post it yesterday, Dream?" 

My hoodie sleeve rolled down my hand as I was tapping against the desk. "I didn't feel like filming, I can't even manage to join a call with you guys. I haven't been leaving my room much these past few days. I just can't bring it to myself to speak to my family." 

I heard him adjust in his seat, a tear rolling down my cheek I decided to speak again before he commented on anything. "I never knew it would be this hard to actually have this as a job. I know people care about me besides you guys and my family. I can't stop thinking about you, whenever I get upset I just think about the time we met up with Wilbur. I wish I could see you again, but I don't know if I'd ever want you to see me like this." My voice cracked a few times while speaking, I brought my sleeve up to wipe off my cheek. 

"Clay, you know I love you. Everyone loves you, everyone that matters to you loves you." George's voice was softer than before, less hyper. "If you need time off, a break, it's perfectly fine. You're amazing at your job. You just got six million subscribers, you're clearly doing something good." 

I chuckle slightly, feeling more tears roll down my cheek. He joins in laughing as he speaks, "It's weird to think that you've been thinking about me because all I've been doing these past few days is worrying about you, Clay." I heard his voice crack as well. 

He took a break from speaking, I heard him sniffle before continuing on, "I love you. And if you seriously want to see me again I will buy a ticket to Florida- Right now. And I mean it." He chuckled, I could hear his voice being strained. 

I leaned back in my chair, my long legs hitting the wall in front of me. "Florida is a very dangerous place." I let out a small laugh. 

"Which means I should probably go back to London," I paused, lifting my head up to the monitor. "Don't you think, George?" 

I bit my lip, eager to hear his reply. I rolled up my sleeves, feeling as if the room was getting hotter. 

"I guess you should." I could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke. Never more have I wanted to see his smile again, in person. I miss him even if I only saw him for a few days. I knew I wasn't joking, and neither was he. I sat back in my chair and looked around at my desk, I will be seeing him. And it will be very soon. 

"I love you, George." 

"I love you, Clay." 


1454 words 

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