Chapter 12

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Terror filled me as I stepped off the plane. I was horrified, thinking about whether Mr. Shiro was alive or not. He better freaking be.

I ran over the grassy hills, and over to my house. What I saw caused me to stop dead in my tracks. The front door to my cozy home was ripped off its hinges.

I hesitently walked in, afriad of what I'd see. I looked around with wide eyes as I saw my home a complete mess. Many things were broken, and scattered across the floor. My breath caught in my throat as my gaze landed on splatters of blood.

I frantically looked around, searching for a body. I hoped I wouldn't find one, but that would mean Mr. Shiro was kidnapped. I don't know if that's better or worse. Much to my relief, I searched the house up and down, and found no corpses. It was obvious the place was ransacked.

Judging by the amount of blood, there was more than one person breaking in. It occurred to me that the blood probably wasn't Mr. Shiro's, but his attacker's instead. He did teach me everything I know after all. It was clear he put up a good fight, that's for sure. Now I have to figure out where those monsters took him.

A long groan made me snap around, and tense. I swear there were no bodies! I searched the entire place! Wait... the attic. I forgot that existed.

I bolted up the stairs to find some stranger lying on the wood. I was disappointed it wasn't Mr. Shiro, and strutted towards him. He turned abruptly, startled by my presense. I glared down at him.

"Who are you." I asked, my tone dangerously low.

"Shut up, kid." The man breathed out. It was obvious he was injured. I stomped on his chest, and he screamed. I guess something was already broken there. Good job Mr. Shiro.

"Alright! Alright! I'm just under orders from this guy! I've got nothing to do with this!" He panicked, clawing at my leg.

"This guy. What did he look like?" I peered down at the man without sympathy.

"H-He has dark hair! And... and a small beard! He... He has this scar..." The man trailed off, and I pressed my foot into his chest, causing him to grunt.

"The scar! What did it look like!" My eyes burned with hatred. My anger wasn't directed towards the man I was stepping on, but rather the image of Jiroku forming in my head.

"It looked like an X on his cheek! Now please! Get off me!" The man wheezed. I lifted my foot off his chest, and he took a deep breath. He started mumbling thank you repeatedly. I lifted him by the collar of his shirt.

"I'm not done with you yet." I hissed, dragging him down the attic stairs. He shrieked in pain.

"You're going to lead me to him. The man with the scar." I demanded. He looked up at me in fear.

"B-But he'll kill me if I do!" He whimpered. I pulled him up to my face roughly.

"I'll kill you if you don't." I spat at the man. He started sweating profusely before nodding.


I gave the man crutches so he could lead the way. I watched him struggle as he hobbled down the grassy hills.

"So. What exactly were your orders?" I asked the man. He flinched at the sound of my voice before responding.

"He gave us an address and told us to kidnap the man inside. He said if there was a girl there, to leave her be. We were only supposed to take the man." He shakily replied.

He told them to kidnap Mr. Shiro? Not to kill him? He also ordered them not to take me. Then it clicked. This was a trap. He's trying to lure me in. Well it worked all right. I don't care if I'm walking right into a trap. I'm saving Mr. Shiro, and if I have to face Jiroku in order to accomplish that, then so be it.

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