Chapter 32

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I woke up to something shifting next to me. I tightened my grip around it, since I knew it was Killua trying to escape.

"Dammit..." I heard him mumble, and a smirk stretched across my face as I kept my eyes closed.

"I know you're awake. Get that smirk off your face, loser." He grumbled. I opened my eyes to see Killua looking at me with an irrirated face. His cheeks were pink, but he tried to cover it by turning his head.

"You're so powerless right now. It's hilarious." I grinned, and he tried to push away from me. I laughed as he failed.

My arms were wrapped around his torso, so his arms were free to try and push me away.

"L-Let me go!" He yelled, and I only snickered with a smug face.

"The tables have turned, Snowball!" I laughed as he started grumbling under his breath.

"You can't keep me captive all day!" He yelled as he looked back at me.

"No, but I can until we're ready to leave." I smirked, and his eye twitched.

"Stop it! Just let me go!" He squirmed within my grasp.

"Didn't I already say no?" I teased, and he scoffed.

"Korudo!" He yelled, and I grinned, laughing at his embarassment. He continued to complain, and I only laughed at him.

"Um, guys?" I heard Gon's voice speak up. He was sitting backwards on a chair as he stared at us.

"Gon, help me! Korudo won't let me go!" Killua begged, and Gon only nervously laughed.

"Uhh..." He smiled nervously, not sure if he should help Killua.

"Yeah, we know. She held onto you all night!" Leorio snickered from the other side of the room. My face grew slightly warm at the thought.

"See!? She's got me trapped!" Killua exclaimed, and I chuckled.

"Trapped? You were holding onto her as much as she was last night!" Leorio yelled, causing Killua to go completely red. I also blushed at this information.

"I-I did not!" Killua yelled bashfully. I laughed, and he scoffed.

"Yeah right. I saw it with my own two eyes!" Leorio shot back, and Killua huffed.

"Alright. I've had my fun." I stated and let go of Killua. He fell off the couch, and onto the floor. I laughed at him as he whined about the fall.

I stood up from the couch, and picked up my glasses. I slid them onto my face as we got ready to leave. Dread settled in my stomach as I remembered what we we're aiming for today. Recognition from the mafia. Gross.


Gon sat at the table as we waited for more people to challenge him. Nobody really stepped up as the rumors of Gon's strength spread.

Suddenly, a huge man pushed through the crowd. My eyes widened at the sight. It was clear he had some ties to the mafia, and nervousness crept up my body.

"Out of my way." His tone was harsh as he rudely shoved people.

"Oh! Do we have our first challenger?" Leorio grinned at the man. I noticed a short man next to the huge one as he emerged from the crowd.

"Not quite. I already know my man can't beat your kid. I was watching yesterday." The short one stated, making it clear he was the boss.

"Then what do you want?" Leorio acted clueless as he stared blankly at the two.

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