Closer than Friends

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Training today was exhausting for everyone, it was more mentally than physically tiring for you though. It was evening free time and most people were gathered around in the common room, others were already sleeping. You sat next to Kirishima on the couch, listening to Denki and Mina go on a rant about how Bakugou is actually an alien or something ( ̄□ ̄)

"I'm just saying, why else would he go to bed so early?"

"Not to mention his attitude."

It was all just background noise right now, the only thing you could think about was having to tell them about your quirk.

I don't know why it's such a big deal, it's part of my quirk, same as anybody else's right?

Well, maybe by keeping it a secret, I can keep them safe from it.

No, I have to tell them.

I don't want them to think that it's some excuse to not work hard.


"Hey Kirishima, can I talk to you?"

"Actually, I was wanting to talk to you too."

He wants to talk to me?

"Oh ok. You want to go to my room? I feel more comfortable talking about it to you alone..."

The walk to your room was relatively silent, you could both tell that you were each wondering what the other had to say. You stepped inside, closed the door, and sat next to him on your bed.

"What's going on with you, (y/n)?"

"What do you mean, what's going on?" You chuckled nervously.

He pushed himself up from his position on your bed and stood in front of you. His hand on the wall behind you, he looked down with a serious face.

"I mean what happened at training."

he noticed it?

did the rest?

"For a second, it was so intense, your eyes went cold and lifeless. The ground beneath you was cracking dammit. looked different."


You exhaled looking down from his face, you were going to tell him anyway, but now you have no choice.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Mr. Aizawa said I should tell everybody, but I thought it might be easier for me to tell you first."

Kirishima relaxed and sat in front of you on your bed, confused, worried and curious, wanting to hear more.

"'s part of my quirk, and it's the reason I'm here at UA, to be monitored because of it."

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?"


"My quirk, 'Emotion Manipulation', has a negative part to it. The more I use it and the harder I strain my mind, the more unstable my own emotions become. I can change to the extremes of instability, adopting emotions of rage, insanity and even sometimes murder."

"What you saw at training was a result of that."

"I guess I thought if I kept it a secret, it might make everything easier."

It was silent for a moment, a tear fell down your face. You wiped it away with a sniffle.

"Please don't hate me."


Kirishima looked at you in surprise. He could never have guessed what you were going through. You were someone he cared about a lot and he wanted to do all he could to help you.

"I could never hate you." He looked you in the eye, holding your shoulders with his hands.

You hugged him, burying your face in his chest, he rested his head atop of yours and you felt safe in his arms.

"How do you stop it? I mean, is there anything I can do when it happens?"


"maybe.. this?"

You closed your eyes and grabbed the back of his shirt, at peace as you were held in his arms.

This could help.

• • •

Kirishima calmed you down, wiped your tears and flashed you a smile.

"You feeling better? It'd be best if we tell the others now. Don't worry I'll be there to help you."

You both walked over to the common room, with you hiding behind his back. Kirishima was there next to you the whole time, helping you explain the situation to the rest of the class. It wouldn't be lying to say that you probably couldn't have done it without him. Your earlier embrace made it clear that you both cared about each other, he is your rock, every time he smiles your heart becomes lighter.

The entirety of Class 1-A gathered around you after you spoke, giving words of affirmation. Everyone spent the next hours having fun together, doing impressions of other classmates and making jokes. Eventually, the crowd split into two groups, the boys and girls.

You sat with all the girls, talking about which of the boys' hero costumes is best.

"I think Todoroki's looks quite useful."

"Deku's is nice..."

"Bakugou's costume is definitely fitting for his character."

Being the only one who hadn't spoken, everyone naturally looked toward you expecting an answer.

Your cheeks turned slightly pink and you smiled with your hand behind your head.

"Me? Oh,...umm....I think Kirishima's is cool. The, uh... the boots are nice."

Mina wasn't having it of course, and replied with the heaviest sarcasm and eye roll possible.

"The boots, right."

You waved your hands around in the air with embarrassment.

"Wh-What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing, just that you and him have been getting quite close lately, huh?"

"Well yah, but we're just friends ( ̄ヮ ̄)"

It'd be lying to say that I've never thought of him that way before, but...

Practically your whole body felt hot now.

..Dear god, it's only been a day. How did this happen to me? (≧_≦')

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