Sneaking Out

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You tossed and turned in your bed, it had only been a few hours since you got back to the dorms. A horrible nightmare was overtaking your mind as you slept.

Your power was becoming unstable. You looked upon the scene through someone else's eyes, feeling their terror.

You woke and shot up in your bed. Sweating, you grabbed your jacket then left the dorms.

You walked in the dark, it was silent and peaceful outside, but your mind was cloudy and ridden with doubt. You ventured all the way to the training field, and started practicing.

The more I train, the less I'll have to worry.

Getting better is the whole reason I'm here, and even with all the improvement I've done so far, I still can't get that feeling that I'm not doing enough out of my head.

A figure approached you in the dark, as it got closer, you recognized it's silhouette. It was Mr. Aizawa, and he spoke in a very stern tone.

"You're not supposed to be out after dark, why'd you leave the dorms?"

"...uh, I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa, I had a bad dream and I just wanted to practice some more. I can't help but feel like I'm not improving enough."
He let out a big sigh and stroked his brow with his fingers.

"I've tried to help you from the sidelines, but I guess sometimes you just need to be told to the face."

"You're using your quirk and trying to improve in all the wrong ways, it's easier to sway a person's emotions when they can relate to what they're being told to feel. You have to train smart, not hard."

"Trying to make a person feel an emotion opposite to what they can relate to in the moment will only put immense strain on your mind, more than what you can handle at your current point in development."

He tilted his head up with anger and raised his eyebrow.

"And I expect you not to sneak out again anytime in the future. What the hell were you thinking!"

You bowed with your hands at your side, you understood what he had said previously.

"I'm so sorry, it won't happen again. And thank you Mr. Aizawa, you've been a great help to me and I appreciate everything you've done."

"Yah, yah, just get back to the dorms alright."

"Yes sir."

Your mind was calm and at peace as you walked back, and you proceeded to have the best sleep that you've ever had in all of your life.

Sorry this one's really short, like REALLY short  (_-_)

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