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Apparently, there was one thing that Newt forgot during his meticulous planning on asking Tina out:

The final exams.

It was on the day after he talked to Primrose he realized that the final exams were coming up. The exams were scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday that week, giving him Sunday and the entirety of Monday to review all the topics that were going to appear n the test papers.

Good thing he already rewrote most of his notes a few weeks before. That way, he wouldn't have to cram his way into achieving better test scores.

Newt spent most of his Monday studying whenever he could. Most of his breaks and free periods were spent in the library, where he would go over his notes and occasionally have Leta quiz him to see if he studied well enough for the test on the following day.

At the end of the day, Newt felt that he had been very productive.

The only downside to that day was that he didn't see Tina all day.

Tuesday and Wednesday went by and, though they felt like forever because of all those exams, Newt was finally happy that they were all over. He didn't get to see Tina or hang out with Leta much during those two days, but at least the exams were done.

With all the remaining things he needed to do finished, Newt ultimately decided to ask Tina on the day before the prom—pretty late, he knew, but better late than never, right?

Thursday of that week was considered to be the final preparation day for the prom. It was a free day for the students, sort of a day intended to relax and rest up before the big day.

So, that Thursday afternoon, during his lunch break, Newt went to the school cafeteria to buy some chocolates, just like his sister told him. He went to the vending machine that stood at the side of the cafeteria and inserted a bill into the slot.

Now, he didn't know what type of chocolate Tina likes, and he felt a bit too embarrassed if he'd go find Queenie and ask her.

Newt stared at the choice behind the glass of the vending machine, weighing his options. The vending machine offered Hershey's, Snickers, Reese's, and Milky Way, just to name a few. After a few minutes, he decided on the Hershey's bar. He entered the bar's number into the machine, and the chocolate bar fell into the take-out port. Bending down, Newt took the Hershey's and walked off to find Tina.

As he wandered about the cafeteria, Newt debated with himself on whether or not he should get her flowers. The Hershey's didn't seem enough for him (really, why didn't he just buy a box of chocolates yesterday after school?), but on the other hand, he didn't know where to get flowers either. He knew that the rules of the school forbade anyone from picking flowers from the greenhouses (and those flowers were really beautiful too!) and the wildflowers growing near the lake don't look...pretty enough for Newt.

Newt sighed. I am going to fail this and embarrass myself, he lamented.

While deep in thought, Newt didn't notice the two students walking towards him. He realized a little too late and ran into them.

"So sorry!" he exclaimed, quickly training his eyes to the floor, fearing that the ones he bumped into were the school bullies or popular kids.

The male student of the pair only smiled at him. "No harm done, pal," he reassured. Newt immediately recognized the voice and looked up.

In front of him stood a grinning Jacob and Queenie. They latter giggled and gave him a small wave. "Hi, Newt!" Queenie greeted brightly. "You goin' somewhere?"

Newt, still surprised by this encounter, shook his head slightly. "Oh, uhm...n-nowhere in particular—"

"That's great! You can join us for lunch then!" Jacob suggested, grabbing him by the arms and dragged him along with him and Queenie to a nearby table.

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