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Newt didn't ask to be here.

But despite his protests, his brother and Leta still managed to get (force) him into a suit and drag him to the prom.

After learning that someone else had asked Tina to the prom before him—someone by the name of Achilles Tolliver—Newt decided to stay at home. Why bother going when you'll end up being alone anyway? Tina must be happy with Tolliver at the prom.

Yesterday, after Newt arrived home puffy-eyed from crying after hearing about Tolliver and Tina, his family were saddened. They've never seen Newt like that before, incredibly heartbroken and hopeless. They tried talking to him, persuading him to eat dinner with them at least, to no avail. He was so devastated that it led to his entire family to leave him alone. Even his siblings didn't joke around with him that day.

But the Scamander family was not known to give up that easily.

On the morning of the prom, Theseus barged into Newt's room (he may have kicked the door open, which had resulted in waking up the rest of the family) at exactly six in the morning to lecture him about not giving up on Tina. It may have not worked much, but Newt knew that his brother was right in away. But still, what good will it bring him to go if he'll only see Tina dancing will Tolliver at the prom?

Oh, but Theseus was having none of it.

For the rest of the remaining time of the day before the prom, it had taken the entire Scamander family (plus Leta) to get Newt ready. In the morning, Leta, Prim, and Everilda Scamander (their mother) dragged Newt out of the house and took him to town to find him a proper suit to wear to the prom. Newt tried protesting that he didn't need one because he already had one back home and that he wasn't going.

"Oh, hush, Newton. You are going to that prom and that is final," his mother had firmly reiterated when he was fitting on several suits (the majority of which being various shades of blue).

Newt has learned over the years of his existence to never question his mother when she speaks in that tone, so he didn't risk arguing back

After all the fitting and arguing, they finally settled on a navy blue suit with a matching waistcoat and bowtie.

When the afternoon arrived, it was the men's turn. Theseus and their father Alfred took Newt to a barber's shop to get him fixed up. All the while they sat as their hairs were being trimmed and styled, Theseus lectured Newt about Tina and the prom, in case he runs into her.

"Okay, so this is what you're going to do," Theseus began, looking at his brother in the mirror. "You are going to walk up to her, ask her for a dance, then confess your love for her."

Newt gaped at Theseus like he was mad. "L-love?" he stuttered. "Thes, I think that's a bit too much. I...I don't lo—"

Theseus tutted at him, shaking his head slightly. "Nope. You love her, and you know it, Newton."

"Thes, I think it's too early to call that 'love'..."

"You're brother's right, son," Alfred intoned behind them. The brothers stared at him through the mirror, watching as he flipped another page in the newspaper he was reading.

Newt scowled. "Dad—"

Alfred sighed, placing his newspaper down. "Newt. You've been crushing on this Tina girl for four years now. You had every chance to tell her how you feel, yet you didn't."

Newt flinched at their father's statement. That's not exactly...helping.

"But," their father continued, "this party might just be your last chance. And you should take it. You don't want to end up like me when I was your age, took me eight years after graduation—eight, Newt—to finally ask your mother out on a date, just when I thought I'll never see her again." Alfred sighed dreamily, suddenly reminiscing about his younger years with their mother.

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