Twice A Hostage

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Chapter 30

Not long, she said, and the universe laughed in my face.

No joke. My luck is just shit.

Here I am, struggling to breathe through my contractions, and beginning to panic that Clarke will not be here to help me birth my first child.

Depending on my labour, will depend whether this is my last.

"Quinn," I hear Bellamy call as she rushes up to my side. "Quinn, I just-"

"It's okay, Bellamy. You don't have to say anything. Honestly, if you and Raven want to be together then go for it. I'm happy for you. Really, I am."

He shakes his head. "It wasn't like that at all," he says. "She needed to try and move on from Finn."

And she used sex? Oh no. That's a recipe for disaster.

"Yeah, it didn't really help. I think it may of made it worse."

Of course it would've. Sex doesn't help with emotional problems. Not long-term, anyways.

"So, yeah. You don't have to worry about that."

"Even if it was the case, I'd still be happy for you, Bellamy." I'm sincere when I say this. "I just want to see you happy."

"Thanks, Quinn."

"And I'm sorry for walking in without knocking or anything, it's just- I was going through a painful contraction and-"

"Are you okay now?" Panic drenched in his voice as I watch him look me over.

"I'm fine. It's okay at the moment."

He relaxes. "Well, if you need anything, I'm here."

These boys really need to think before they speak.

Hello, contraction number two.

I grab his hand and squeeze just as much as I did with Kai, and watching his face, I want to laugh.

Laugh afterwards, Quinn.

When it's all over, Bellamy says, "How many more of those are yet to come?"

Grinning I respond, "Many."

Any pain is worth the expression these boys wear whilst I grip their hands.

"Great." His face. His face says it all. He wants this over.

Me, too, Bellamy. Me, too.

"Nice gown."

Was wondering how long it'd take him to comment on my latest fashion accessory.

"I know, it's hot, right?"


"Careful there, Blake. Get to excited, and we'll be onto to baby number two."

I'm joking. Never again will I let this man touch me like that again.

"Let's just get this one out the way first, shall we?"

One and only one, Bellamy. No more.

Changing the subject, I ask, "So, what's the update? What are we going to do about Clarke?"

"Don't you worry about that." I feel like a child not being told the truth about their parent's divorce. "Just focus on getting through this labour."


"Please, Quinn. Just keep your mind focused on our child. Please."

He sounds desperate and drained, which is the only reason why I let it go.

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