Chapter 4

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"Yo, Josh! Long time no see man!", I hear a familiar voice say behind me. I turn around and see it's my long time friend Cameron.

Cameron White. My best friend since preschool. He was your typical Cali boy. With his dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes. His dad is the CEO of a giant corporation, I always forget the name though, which means he's pretty wealthy. He was sort of a player. Well, not sort of, more like IS a player. He's slept with over half the girls in school and has never had a stable girlfriend. But I still love him though.

"Hey Cam!", I reply back happily, glad to see my best friend again.

"How you been bro? You still dating...", He pauses looking skeptically at the floor, "what's her name again?"

"Bridget. Yeah we're still dating. I've been good. How was your summer?"

He quickly shakes off his weird attitude and continues on with his pompous one.

"It was awesome dude! There were so many hot babes! I practically partied every night."

"Wish I could of came dude!"

We continued walking down the hallway, getting constant stares from the girls around us. Out of the corner of my eye I see Harper Cate. She was talking to her friend Layla. Mine and Harper's family are pretty close. Everyone says Harper is one of the ugliest girls they've ever seen. But, I feel like there's more than what they give her credit for. Like, her mother was a complete babe in high school and her father wasn't too bad himself, so it makes me wonder why she didn't get at least a small percentage of their good looks. Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful, everyone is, but now that I think of it she doesn't really look like her parents. Is she hiding something?

I shake off my thoughts as Bridget starts to walk down the hall towards me.

"Oh, um, I'll see you later Cam, there's something I need to do."

Cameron looks at me, and then to Bridget and nods awkardly, hurrying off in the other direction.

Bridget, upon seeing Cameron's absence, hurrys to my side.

"Oh my gosh babe, it isn't true, it really isn't I swear!" she pleads.

"Woah, woah what isn't true?" I question her, backing away slowly.

She steps closer to me and puts her hand on my chest.

"I didn't sleep with Cameron, well, I mean I did, but it didn't mean anything and that's all that matters right?"

Shock courses through my veins, anger filling my chest.

"Wait what?!" I shout, throwing her hand off my chest.

"Babe, come on, don't make a scene," she says quietly, looking around.

A small crowd had gathered around up, their phones filming our little argument.

"What are you guys looking at? Huh?" I shout at them.

They just keep their attention on us as I return to my conversation with Bridget.

"Babe, just let me explai-"

I cut her off.

"No, don't 'babe' me, and don't try to explain. You slept with my best friend," I laugh a little, "You know what Bridget, we're done."

"Josh no!" she cries out as I start to walk away.

I whip my head around quickly, venomously shouting the words I had been so well hiding.

"No? There is no hope for us Bridget, there was never any hope for us, because you know what? Ever since I met you, you've been poison in my life. You're a lying, backstabbing, manipulative slut and I never want to see you ever again!" I pause and take a breath, "Besides, I was only dating you so my dad could close a deal with yours. Enjoy your life Bridget."

I walk away quickly, ignoring Bridget's calls. I storm through the doors and head straight for my car.

But a hand on my shoulder stops me.

"Bridget, leave me alone," I yell angrily, turning around.

But when turn around, to my surprise, it's not Bridget.

"Oh, hey Harper."

Hey! Sorry it's been so long since we updated! We started high school and we haven't had anytime to do anything! Sorry, this chapter isn't our best! We'll try to update a often as possible! Love you guys! - Leah (who wrote the first part of the chapter) and Addi (who wrote the second part of the chapter)

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