Chapter seventeen

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Ashton's POV

I was hot as hell. The hotel in this part of England just happened to be in the part of England that was suffering through a major heat wave at the moment. I mean, fuck! It's not even April yet!

Suddenly my phone rang. Lena was calling me.

Trouble in paradise?

I hoped so.

No I didn't.


I loved her so much.

But I was such a horrible boyfriend to her. And she loved Harry. So much.


"Ashton, I need to bring Keira to you." Lena said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Listen, I don't have time to explain. But you've got to take care of her." Lena said.

I rolled my eyes. "Does this have something else to do with your parents? Because one of these days, you're going to get yourself killed." I snapped.

"Take her or Harry and I are flying to New York and she'll stay with Kathryn." Lena fired back.

Oh fuck no. I wasn't going to be in a different country than my baby.

"Fine. But I'm in Reading." I said.

"I'll be there in an hour. Text me the address." She said.

Lena's POV

"Let me come along." Harry said, following me around.

"I need you to go and get the boys. I need you to talk to Liam." I said.

"Lena, how do we know this isn't some freak playing a trick on you?" Harry asked.

I glared at him. "Funny. The police asked us the same thing when you were begging us to help you. As Edmond." I said.

"Okay, Lena, but this doesn't make any sense love! Who could Edmond possibly be!?" He demanded.

"I intend to find out." I said.

"Where did he even say he was?" Harry asked.

I was throwing together a duffel bag for both Keira and myself. I didn't want to leave her again. But I had to. And Ashton needed to spend time with his daughter too.

"He said he was in America." I said.

"And you're just going to fly on over there and search the country for him, huh?" Harry asked.

"Harry, why did you choose the alias of Edmond?" I asked.

"Because I knew it would mean something to you. Because you had a friend named Edmond. Back in America." He said.

"Think about it." I said.

Harry sighed. "You think it's him." He said.

I nodded. "Lena, my love, how would he know?" He asked.

"Your story is all over the media, Harry! Everyone knows how Liam and I knew where to find you. What makes you think he couldn't have heard that?!" I demanded.

"It's just so unlikely. It's hard to believe." Harry said.

"Well, when Liam Payne walked into my saddle club board meeting and told me I was his little sister and that I was going to live with One Direction, it was hard to believe. So, I've learned to keep an open mind." I said.

That's when Keira got to crying.

I went to get her.


I finally made it to Ashton's hotel and walked inside. He was waiting for me. "Hey," he said.

Keira began to whimper in my arms. Of course, she'd picked today for me to be her favorite person. Not that I minded, but she was breaking my heart. She wouldn't let me out her down.

"Okay, baby. Mummy has to go now. Go see daddy." I said.

I gently handed her over to Ashton, and she began to scream. It brought tears to my own eyes.

"Hey, she'll be fine. Just wait till she sees Uncle Luke. Go, Lena. I've got her." Ashton said.

I nodded and kissed my crying baby's forehead before hurrying out, fighting back tears.

God. There was so much less drama when I was with Ashton.

Sometimes I missed it.

Ashton's POV

I held Keira close to my body. "Shhh, baby girl. Daddy's here. Don't cry. Mummy will be back soon." I soothed.

She cried. And cried.

And cried.

I rocked her back and forth, remembering the first time I held her.

Lena was asleep. She was beautiful when she slept. I hoped she'd forgive me for all of this. I'd been horrible to her last night, and Liam wouldn't let me forget it.

"What kind of man let's his pregnant girlfriend out like that?" He demanded. "Youre lucky it wasn't any colder! And then you missed the birth of your child!"

"Shhh!" I hissed. Lena needed to sleep. She was so tired.

Liam was lucky not to wake up his sister, but he succeeded in awaking my daughter.

I went over to her and reached for her. She was crying. The little noisemaker.

I paused. This was the first time I'd be holding her. I felt so weak all of sudden. My hands were too frail, to small, and too dirty to hold something to fragile and perfect.

Just pick her up, Ashton. It's just a baby. Your baby.

I picked up little Keira and held her against my chest. "Shhh. Daddy's here. You're okay." I soothed.

Liam was watching me silently. I'd hed rather I was Harry. Well, fuck him. Harry was gone and Lena was mine.

Just maybe not much longer.

I rocked Keira back and forth until she fell asleep again. "I won't let anything hurt you." I whispered.

Keira was still whimpering in my arms. I leaned my cheek on top of her head.

"I know." I said. "You miss your mum.

I miss her too."

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