Chapter 15

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"I...", He started again but stopped. Mr. Yahontov could see tears forming in his eyes. "I killed them", he announced. Time froze in that room. Natalia walked back a few steps involuntarily. She prayed for those words to be untrue. She had admired the man who had killed her best friend. Chris, looked shaken to the roots. Dr. Doppler and Dr. Kevin wore a plain look of disgust on their face.

"You, what?", It wasn't Mr. Yahontov who spoke but was Natalia. "You killed Lana? Why? Why?", She demanded. She was practically screaming at him. Chris reached for her, but she shook off his hand too quickly. "Tell me what you did to her", she asked, she couldn't believe her own words when they left her mouth.

"I liked that girl. Lana, right from the beginning. It was difficult for me here", he started. Natalia's heart started racing up. She didn't like the way things were going, and she suspected it to get worst.

"I wanted her, and I got a chance that day. She didn't agree. She was playing hard to get", Mr. Yahontov made a disgusted face. "But I wanted what I wanted. I raped her", he said. Natalia didn't care to hold her tears anymore. Chris tightened his fists like he would kill him right then and there if given a chance. "I didn't want to kill her. I really didn't, but she was getting uncontrollable. We got into a fight, I hit her head hard against the iron bars of the bed, and she got unconscious. I got scared. I thought that if she woke up, she would tell everyone. So I decided to kill her. I carried her down to the ground behind the laboratory wing. I dug a pit and buried her inside. I thought it was over. But it wasn't. Dr. Jonas saw. He caught me in the act. He tried to raise an alarm. I tried to stop him, and in that, I had to hit him hard with the garden spade. He too fell down unconscious. I opened the pit wider and buried him too", he said. Everyone in the room was holding their breaths together. No one moved, it was as if everyone were frozen.

"I thought everything was over. But no. I didn't observe the bloodstain in my clothes. I started walking back into my room when Mrs. Glenn saw me. She saw me in those blood-stained clothes and tried to raise an alarm, she screamed. I had no other option, I banged her head against the dining table. I knew that the others were about to come down. I quickly removed my sweatshirt and hid it at one corner behind the dustbin of the kitchen and quickly joined the others. I was still wet, but in that darkness and panic, no one observed me. They were so busy knocking each other's room, that no one observed me slip in. They all walked down, to search the source of the scream, and I went with them. No one found Mrs. Glenn. I thought I would be caught. But no, things were really working to my favor that day. They didn't find her", he said, breathing hard now.

"But they did. Natalia saw her. She saw her blood and thought her as a ghost. It was enough for the others to run away and lock themselves inside their rooms. I found her after that. She was still strong but had lost some blood. I took her out and hit her again with the same spade that I threw away. She went unconscious. I buried her next to them, along with the clothes that I hid, in the kitchen", he finished.

"Mrs. Hannah?", Mr. Yahontov questioned. "I do not know anything about here. I had nothing to do with her suicide", he answered him, plainly.

"So you buried all of them here?", Mr. Yahontov asked. "Yes. But after that I changed the location", he said. Mr. Yahontov looked at him questionably. "The next morning when they found that three of our people went missing and that one of them committed suicide. We were immediately taken out of this place. The project was dropped as many complications arose. I knew that an investigation would be opened one day, and I didn't want to get caught. After a week or so, I returned here again, with my friend. We removed them out and I threw all of them into the nearby river, tying them up to heavy blocks", he said.

The mysterious man no more sat calmly on his seat. Tears were streaming from his eyes. "You pig", he yelled. "You killed my lovely daughter, in the cruelest way possible. You will die, by my hands only", he said. With one hand gesture, the man who retrieved back earlier, now approached him again. But unlike last time he didn't hold himself back. He clicked on the trigger and sent a bullet right through Dr. Greener's skull. Blood was splashed everywhere. Horror was filled on everyone's face, present there.

"Who..who are you?", Chris managed to ask out loud after very long minutes. The strange man rose up now, his eyes still wet. "I'm her father", he announced. "Lana was my sweet little daughter", he said. "I couldn't see the injustice against my sweet baby. I pushed hard for an investigation to happen when they said she had vanished. But they never opened one. I then hired Mr. Yahontov and Mr. Cooper", he said, pointing out at them.

"This was a private investigation?", Mr. Kevin asked. "Yes. It was", he agreed. "I can rest in peace now. Justice has been offered to my baby. I can live in peace", he said, before ordering one of his men to carry Dr. Greener's now cold and stiff body away. He then walked out of the room. One by one everyone left as if had nothing happened. Dr. Kevin and Dr. Doppler terrified broke into a run, as soon as possible.

Natalia fell into Chris's arms. "I cannot think of the pain that must've been inflicted on her, before her death", she cried. "I was a bad friend. A very bad one. I should've been there for her that day. But instead, I was...", She swallowed her words back. "I am a terrible friend", she cried. Chris pulled her closer to his chest and sobbed silently. Grieving for a loving friend that they both found and lost in a short time. 

The End

I know that the end, raises many more questions in your mind, about Lana's father. What happened after this? But I leave that to my reader's imagination.

I really hope you guys liked it. I gave my best guys. Thanks a lot for reading till here. Love you'll❤

Have a nice day:))))

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