Death strangles me as the seconds tick by
I cant change how fast time flies
I used to want death to grab me
I thought it was taking to long for death to choke me
Every second closer
Death grips a little tighter
Hugging me round the neck
This is the only way death knows how to express love
By taking away
Death is happy to see souls going to paradise
But death cries hurricanes when souls go to the underworld
I should not be afraid as long as I am good
It's life that puts us through tragedy
Death tries to relieve the broken
Life doesn't do justice
But when your dead justice is served
Really is death the dark one
Or is it unfair life
I argue that death isn't given its due
It leads most to a better place
Life drowns us alive
While death hugs us so tight trying to comfort us all our lives
Saying it'll all be over soon
We all say goodbye to death and life
We either go into eternal life or eternal death
Maybe thats why people judge death so harsh
They think of life and death as heaven and hell
They forget that this isn't the case
Death is death
Eternal death is forever
You can't have to much of a good thing or else it turns out bad
And too much of a bad thing can lead to goodness and strength