-19- Edge of the Woods

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Little thing before we get started, I apologize for not updating, I've been very tired recently, but here we go!

-George's POV-
I'd been staying in Zak's house for a few days, and honestly, I was tired of it. I wanted to see Clay again. I missed stealing his mask and laughing about it. Why did the apocalypse have to start? Everything was great up till that day. We met up a few days before, and it was the day before we were to head home when the explosion happened. Everybody within a few hundred miles radius was infected immediately. We were far from the laboratory, but the infection was spreading fast. We fled for the forest, just us two. If we were going down, we were going down together.

I decided it was finally time to get up, so I swung my legs over the side of the bed Zak gave me, and stretched my arms. It was morning at this point, and I could hear muffled voices downstairs. I stood and grabbed the blue shirt sitting on the dresser. I pulled it on and grabbed my clout goggles as I headed out the door. I walked down the long hall, admiring the windows and various family photos decorating the walls. I slid down the railing on the stairs, and was greeted by Zak at the bottom. He wasn't facing me, he was trying to work a gas oven. Darryl was on the opposite side of him, trying to help.

"Hey guys!"

"Good morning George, did you sleep well?" Darryl retreated from his spot on Zak's other side, and went to me.

"As well as I could. I'm still worried about Clay."

"Don't worry, we'll find him." Zak chimed in.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it."

"Anything for a friend!"

I smiled at Darryl's reply. He was always enthusiastic, even in the worst situations. I looked down to see Rocco, who seemed upset. I tilted my head, and he began pulling on my pant leg with his teeth.

"Ow! Rocco!"

"Sorry about him, he's a bit grumpy in the mornings."

Despite the fact he was hurting me, I let him try to pull me. He immediately let go, and started walking away. I reluctantly followed, letting him lead me outside. He led me to the edge of the woods, and growled at something in there. I couldn't tell why he was bothered, or what he was bothered by, but I decided to check later at night, as I didn't want Zak, Vincent, or Darryl following.

427 words

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