1 || nightmare

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SOPHIE couldn't sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, she kept having the same recurring nightmare over and over again. She'd seen it so many times she already knew what was going to happen before it did.

She was standing in an endless black abyss. There was no light, except for one illuminating her like a spotlight coming from nowhere. Below her feet there was black water. She looked around, hoping to find a way out. No luck. Then she heard her name being called out.

"Sophie! Sophie, please, help me!" The voice called out. Sophie spun around frantically, searching for the voice who had just said her name.

"Sophie help me!" This time more desperately.

Then the scene shifted, and she was now in a burning field. Fire surrounded her from all sides, consuming everything it touched. Sophie struggled to breath, the smoke filling her lungs. But what she saw next made her want to throw up.

Bodies everywhere. Hundreds of them, all laid around covering the floor and getting burned from the fire. Sophie put a hand over her mouth and another over her stomach, starting to feel sick as she saw the wounds each person had.

Some had deep gashes across their stomachs or chests, others had too many wounds to count.

"No. No, no, no, no." Sophie repeated, tears pooling in her eyes when she Grady and Edaline, her friends, Alden and Della. All lifeless on the ground as well.

Sophie rushed to them and shook them each by her shoulders hard, hoping they would wake up.

But they didn't.

They laid there, eyes open and staring into the night sky.

"Nothing you do will bring them back."

Sophie turned around fast and met eyes with Fintan, who wore an amused look on his face. She stood up, straightening her back and holding her head high.

"I warned you, didn't I? I told you that you would lose. But you didn't heed my warnings. And now look at what you've done. Your loved ones are gone. Dead. All because you were too selfish and proud, thinking you could win this war all by yourself." Fintan said.

Sophie's jaw tightened and she curled her fists. But she knew Fintan was right.

This was her fault. Maybe if she had just listened, none oft his would have happened. If she had just turned herself in, her friends would still be alive.

Fintan shook his head. "You've disappointed me, Moonlark."

Before Sophie could react, Fintan charged towards her with a dagger in his hand, and sunk it into Sophie's stomach.

She screamed and fell on her knees, crumbling to the ground.

Sophie gasped. She sat up in her bed with a start, sweat dripping down her forehead. Sophie put a hand on her heart, breathing slow and steadily to try and calm herself. She looked around and saw that her blankets were on the ground, probably from all her kicking and thrashing. Sophie looked at her clock to see what time it was.

4:23 am. Great.

Sophie sighed and threw her legs over her bed, standing up. She rubbed her forehead and eyes, walking to her bathroom. Sophie stopped in front of her sink and bent down, turning it on and splashing some cool water on her face.

She grabbed a towel and patted her face dry, looking up once more and seeing her reflection in her mirror.

The more Sophie looked at herself, the more she realized just how much she had grown, and how different she looked since she had left the Forbidden Cities. Her hair had grown longer, now reaching a bit higher from her waist.

She also looked stronger, wiser. Not like the little girl she used to be. Sophie looked away and sighed, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear and walking out to her balcony.

Sophie didn't think Havenfield could get any more beautiful than it already was, but that was a lie.

Warm colors of pinks, reds, oranges, and yellows were mixed together in the sky, creating a beautiful scenery.

Sophie stayed there for some time, just watching the sky and the land in front of her. It was about 6 when Sophie returned to her bed, laying down on her back and staring on the ceiling.

Something was different, Sophie felt it. Like something was calling her, trying to let her know that something big was going to happen. Just that Sophie didn't know what. But there was one thing Sophie was certain of:

Everything was changing.

The question was, what?


Word Count: 798

Originally Published: July 28, 2020

Rewritten: Feb. 7, 2021

you guys are probably annoyed at me for rewriting so many things, and im sorry! i just felt like i rushed into the story way to quickly, so i added a little bit more just so things could seem smoother and not so rushed.

please comment, vote, share, and follow!

xoxo, genny

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