5 || a flood of memories

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"RUY, leave us.

Fintan didn't move his gaze from Sophie when he spoke, but she wasn't scared. She knew what she was doing.

Sophie wanted answers. And she was going to get them whether Fintan liked it or not.

Ruy pulled out the light peach leaping crystal Sophie had seen before and leapt away, leaving Sophie and Fintan alone just like in their last meeting.

Fintan trudged over to a bench nearby and sat down, staring off into the sky that was now dark since it was becoming night already.

"Well?" Sophie said impatiently when Fintan wouldn't start talking after some time.

Fintan sighed, still looking up.

"Have you manifested a new ability recently?"

"No?" Sophie responded, although her answer sounded more like a question. "Wait, what does this have to do with anything?"

"Be patient. I'm getting there." Fintan told her.

"Do you have any idea who your parents are?" Fintan asked Sophie.

Sophie hesitated to answer.

He's being open with you. You should as well. He is doing you a favor. Sophie reasoned with herself.

"I had some theories but, they were all wrong." Sophie admitted, sitting down on the bench as well while keeping a safe distance between her and Fintan. "At first I thought they could be someone who I knew, so they could keep an eye on me and make sure I was okay. Then I realized the Black Swan probably wouldn't do that."

Fintan chuckled. "You were right. Did you have any other guesses on who it might be?"

"Well, I had also thought that my parents could have the same abilities as me. You know, because of having the same blood and all." Sophie laughed pathetically. "But then I remembered how the Black Swan had experimented on me. They could have easily found a way to make the abilities I shared with them never manifest."

"Smart girl. Just like your mother." Fintan whispered, his elbows on his legs.

Sophie laughed a little before realization sunk in and her eyes went wide as she became fully aware of what Fintan said.

"Did you just say my mother?" Sophie asked, her voice merely a breathy whisper.

Fintan put his head in his hands and didn't answer her question.

"Fintan, did you know my mother?" Sophie pressed, growing impatient.

"The Black Swan have done some awful things, and they have gotten away with it. They've lied to you your whole life and have kept things from you so you wouldn't-"

"I know all of that!" Sophie yelled, jumping up from where she was sitting.


"I know that the Black Swan have kept secrets from me. I know that they have lied, I know it all! What I don't know is what any of that has to do with my mother. You haven't answered any of the questions I've asked you!" Sophie continued, her vision becoming red with anger and irritation.

"Sophie," Fintan warned, slowly standing up and moving towards her. His hands were out in front of him to show he wasn't going to hurt her. "You need to calm down."

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